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Once Every Four Years

Tigs: All right. Welcome to a very special leap day edition of TIGS bits a day that only happens once every four years. So happy birthday to you leapers out there. I do have a good buddy of mine that, uh, that's birthday is today. He's 12 years old today. So happy birthday, Isaac. Uh, look tonight we are going to be covering my recent trip to the Bassmaster elite tournament on Toledo.

Ben, I had a lot of fun up there and, and we've got a lot to cover from it. Not just fishing. So I don't want you to tune out immediately. We're, we're not going to talk a whole lot about fishing or maybe we will, who knows, look, you already know. I hit up some good places to eat while I was up there and we're definitely going to be talking, talking about that.

And I have some footage and stuff that we'll be, we'll be looking at. Plus Blasey was on a very, very interesting spaces on X the other night and, uh, and hilarity. Absolutely ensued. So if you haven't, if you haven't checked out that video that I put out on social media, you've got to go, you got to go check it out.

Just search at Tiggs bits podcast. And, and don't forget to like subscribe and, uh, and all of that good stuff with the show. Let's bring him in, man. The man of the hour, Mr. Blossie, the one man, posse brother. What is happening, brother, man? How you doing? Dude, I am doing fan tastic, a little late night, a little late night live for us tonight on a Thursday night.

It is, it is. But I love it. We got some,

Blasi: uh, some things to take care of, you know, on the home

Tigs: front. You gotta go. You

Blasi: got those

Tigs: kiddos sometimes. You gotta do some things. Look, things happen. Things happen. Paul says hello. Hello to you, Paul. Thanks. And we got Mr. Jason Hilton in the house. What's up, Jason? Dude, real bummed right off the top.

Hilton was at the, uh, Bassmaster elite on Friday. And there were so many freaking people out at this thing. I didn't sell service is, was minimal. I, you couldn't get stuff out. I was able to get a video out on Thursday morning when the tournament kicked off. Simply because after those, after the 103 anglers left the marina, there was nobody except for the people working on the thing.

There was probably less than 20 people out there. So there, the, the little bit of cell service that was available, I was able to get a video out. But other than that, dude, I could only reshare and retweet things. The, the cell service was. It was just terrible. But anyhow, I did not get to run into Jason Hilton who was out there.

Oh, he was there. He was there on Friday, man. And I, I walked by him at least 81 times. I didn't know this until after the fact, but I mean, he was. Probably 20 feet for me because I was just I had a path I was working up and down Up and down that day man, and and just had I had a blast dude. I mean, we'll jump into that We'll just we'll just start start right there with that tournament day two was probably my favorite Day that I was out there because there was a start to be a little bit of a crowd that would day two was on Last friday starting to be a little bit of a crowd Out there, you know that you're starting to get some good vibes and and all of that and I was While I was walking that That path.

I was checking out anglers. I was looking to, to watch the guys come in, pull up on the bank and, uh, and just kind of check them out there. I was fortunate the way that I was able to park. Uh, I pulled down, I literally parked on the bank where the less than 20 feet from where these pros were pulling up on the bank.

It was just an unreal situation at Cypress Bend. I've never seen Vehicles parked where we were parked. Uh, it was unbelievable, but, but so I had a Primo spot and I kept walking back and forth, just seeing who I could, could see and get some video and some footage and stuff like that. So that's why I missed you Hilton.

I was running up and down, but I, but one of the guys that I ended up running into was, uh, Robert G who ended up finishing fourth in the tournament. Hell of a kid. Uh, just, he fished his butt off. It was fun. It was fun to watch him, but I'm standing there kind of in position watching these boats come up.

And, and I hear this lady, Hey, you mind if I stand behind you? I don't want my son to see me. I was like, okay. And I look and I said, who, who is your, who's your son? And she's like him. I embarrass him. I just embarrass him. And it was Robert G's mom. And she was just awesome. She was just amazing. So we hit it off and, uh, and she and I talked and visited for.

A while, quite a while, though the rest of the afternoon, really, I filmed him pulling his fish out of his, uh, putting them in the bag to go away and went and watched them weigh in and all of that. But super nice kid. He's coming on the show. He, uh, yeah, he's going to come on the show. Yes, sir. I did not know that.

That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I have not, uh, breaking news here on TIGS bits. Uh, I have not told you that yet, but yeah, so really pumped. Uh, and you know, he, his mom told him he was coming on the show. It's like he, he wanted to, and he, yeah, we talked, he and I talked, I was really proud of what he mom angle.


Blasi: we should do that with all our guests to start working the moms, backdoor that thing, you know,

Tigs: that's a great idea. I think that's a Portnoy play. I think it's a Portnoy play, you know, um, I like, yeah, Portnoy, uh, he friends some of those moms and there are, it's a young gravy kind of play either way, uh, you know, but yeah, dude, so he, he will be coming on at some point, but what he did that day and, and we can kind of jump into this since we're going to just, we're kind of talking about fishing live scope has taken over bass fishing.

Anybody who's a bass fishing fan. just even a casual fisherman or anybody who just likes to go fish. You've heard about live scope and what it is is it's just forward facing sonar. It looks out in a small angle and, uh, and it will reflect back, but it's, it's able to do it so fast that it can ping back that you can see things basically in real time, it's like.

watching a radar. It's like spotlighting. Some people are considering it to be hunting. You're not fishing, you're hunting and, and things like that. Well, it's set up to be an offshore event on Toledo Bend where LiveScope was going to be the play and it was the play, uh, no doubt. But that kid did something that I haven't seen.

Anybody else do, and it was simply because they had the feed to his live scope. And from the boat. So we could actually see the live scope, see what he was looking at. Not just the video looking over his shoulder, the actual video, which was done with an HDMI cable. I asked, you know, me, I was interested in that.

Like, how'd you do that? I want to know how you did that. And, uh, so yeah, that, that's how, that's how that happened. But I got, I got the opportunity to tell him that. Um, which was cool. I got, I have that on film. I'm not going to share that with everybody, but I just had my GoPro on. And at times I forgot that I was filming stuff.

I just, it was just running kind of like we did it, you know, at the senior bowl. So I found as I've gone through stuff, happy surprises that I hadn't, uh, hadn't been able to, to get out. Hey, Brantley,

Blasi: is that the, uh, what I was so on, um, X was like this little piece where this guy was fishing and seeing the guy fishing, you're seeing, um, actually the, you know, the scope and everything where the bass were on top, the bait fish were on bottom, which was kind of a little bit.

Unusual where the bass usually comes up underneath and strikes and they're fishing down towards him and you see the bait coming down and you see him come up and take it. Is that part

Tigs: of, part of that? That is part of that and the way it was, it was odd and I think watching the, watching live and listening to that, that I think that these fish have set up on Toledo Bend like this for a long time and we never knew it.

Because we weren't able to see it, but it was odd that the, generally the fish are going to be beneath the bait and they come up to the bait. These fish do the opposite. They go, they, they do the opposite on Toledo Bay. Why? I'd probably fishing pressure. I would think boats just say, yeah, it's a big lake, but a lot of boat boats on it.

I don't know. I don't know. But yeah, they don't trust what's

Blasi: coming above them anymore. Do they? Too many people coming after I've seen, I've seen my buddy get snatched

Tigs: out of the water. You know what, I think you may have just nailed it, dude. I think it's that damn simple. They're like, yeah, Larry just got out of here.

He didn't come back.

Blasi: I've seen them aliens snatch out these fish before. I've seen them go all the time. Don't eat that bait above

Tigs: your son. That's exactly right. That's exactly right. Hilton says that he should have met me at Shannon's. Oh man. We're going to get into that. We will get into that here and here in a little bit.

But yeah, I had an amazing, uh, had an amazing little barbecue deal at Shannon's butcher block in Manny, Louisiana. Um, while I was up there, in fact, that was actually, I was on day one. Day one was on last Thursday. I left that way in. Or that opening ceremony and and the whole reason this is I'm scattered scatterbrained and everywhere on this one but the whole reason really that I went up for the opening ceremony was because of my uh, my friend crystal crystal leo sapulvedo Sang the national anthem and she had facebook messaged me And said, Hey, she, she just figured I was going to be up there.

And she was correct. Uh, I was coming, but she was like, Hey, you should come to the opening ceremonies. I'm going to be singing the national anthem. Come say hi. It's been a long time. Yeah. We hadn't seen each other in years. And all that. So I was like, Oh, I didn't need a bam. You just twisted my arm. I'm on my way.

So I mean, I mean, I will be up there. I will be up there. So, uh, so I went to that to watch the, watch the launch and hung out a little bit around that morning. And then I went off to, uh, I went off to Shannon's to go in and sample the barbecue. Now I'm not going to spoil everything. I know I put out a video that's done pretty well on social media.

I'm going to show it again briefly because this is the only tease that i'm giving you guys There's a whole 30 minute video coming from shannon's. Okay, and it's awesome Oh my god This is the start of the show, holy cow My boy shannon, dude, I mean so I uh I ate brisket. He brings out a plate. I don't have a video of it tonight.

I will, uh, obviously whenever I break that out, but he brings out this plate and I had no idea what to expect. You know, I'm just like, okay, I can't wait to try. He's been wanting me to try his brisket for a long time. We went to kindergarten together. Okay. So wait, you and me and Shannon. Yes. Yes. We went to kindergarten together.

We sure did. We sure did. Um, so I've been following his journey along the way and, uh, and watching it grow and this dude, his story's awesome. Uh, I can't wait to, uh, to put this out, finish editing it for everybody, but he brought it's

Blasi: fantastic. Everybody, that's all I'm saying because he treats me like he treats everybody else.

He just, he baits me, wait till you see this and he'll give me in one hour coming your way. It's so good. But anyway, I actually totally just continue

Tigs: doing what you're doing. I look, it's, it's because there's only one of me and I just simply haven't gotten to it yet. Truth be known, I haven't had a chance to edit the Shannon video yet.

But it's, it's put together

Blasi: and it's close. You got so much, so much content.

Tigs: I'm not so much content, man. First thing you sent

Blasi: me, I won't get into it. But like the first thing you sent me was absolutely mind blowing. I had nothing to do with fishing or food.

Tigs: And I was like, what is he

Blasi: doing up there? Like, so at some point when that gets like a volume, I wouldn't speak to it, that is amazing.

Dude, it's

Tigs: good stuff. It's good stuff. There's a lot. Look, we we've, we've said for a while that we're taking a different direction. We're going to be more active. We're going to do more than just sit in these studios and talk to each other. We're going to get it. We're going to hit the streets. We're going to do all that.

That's what we're doing. That's what we're doing. Upgrade major upgrade today on. Mike's, which is, uh, which is good for on the road. So no more in the field. That's like

Blasi: we're in the field doing stuff. Right.

Tigs: So that's exactly right. Oh, look, who's joined us in the chat. It is the handler, ladies and gentlemen, the hand J R the handler is watching us.

Thank thanks for watching Jr. Uh, truth be known. We did a little show prior to this show with Jr Jr and some other, uh, prior things, but he did say he would try to try to check into the chat with us a little bit, but we, we chatted, the three of us chatted for a little bit before we, uh, before we screwed everything up.

Let's just be real. I

Blasi: screwed the whole deal up. I was running late. So it is what it is. You and Jr got to do some stuff there together. You know, here we

Tigs: are. Thank you, brother. Yeah. And I'll be honest with you. I've cut, we covered a little bit of this with, with Jr. So I'm trying to not repeat myself for maybe the third time.

If I start repeating myself, y'all just tell me in the chat. Doesn't bother me. Folks. Doesn't bother me. Um, Going back and let's talk a little bit about LiveScope. Hilton says, uh, man, oh man, LiveScope, the comments on social media, put it up there with steroids, inflated footballs, et cetera. Um, I personally haven't watched fishing on TV.

Live events, et cetera. I do love fishing myself, but thanks to TIGS bits and the young gun fishermen technology, I'm now on my second weekend of watching. Awesome. That's awesome. So, um, Look, to LiveScope, first and foremost, I think we just have to watch it play out over the year. I'm not going to beat, beat a dead horse as everybody else is saying.

If you want to go see somebody who is just staunchly against LiveScope, go look up Randy Blockett. Intuitive angling with Randy block it. He's on YouTube and all of there. The dude has been against a live scope for quite a while. Uh, it was one of the, one of the first really. And, and some of the things that he has said.

Have come to fruition and he makes some valid points in some ways. Um, but then there's also the other side. That's the Ben Millicans of the world. So you can go check out his website. He has tons of followers. Over a million between all of his social media stuff makes amazing videos is one of the best in the world, um, with that, with that technology.

So I think the big thing that they got to let it, you got to let it play out for this year, but then I think rules are going to have to change. How

Blasi: long has it been in place? How

Tigs: long have they been using LiveScope? The technology's Been around a little while, but for it to have just gotten to the bass fishing world, it's been two, three, three to four years.

But in the last two years, it's really, everybody has adopted it. It's like NIL and the transfer portal. It's just, it's exactly what it is. Except for it's electronics. It's changed the game of fish. I get it.

Blasi: You know what? So sometimes the game changes, man, as much as I'm a traditionalist in some aspects, sometimes the game changes.

I mean, It's kind of like a, a traditional bluegrass, you know, musician and, and person that really loves bluegrass doesn't like what some people do with those same instruments and plays different genres of music. To me, it's about the same thing, you know, it's like, you know, sometimes it changes, man. And I get it, you know, from a traditional standpoint, but if you, if you grow, if it grows a sport, I guarantee it ain't going

Tigs: nowhere.

Oh, well, I can tell you it's not going anywhere for, for multiple reasons. Number one, just start with the money. I mean, Garmin, Lowrance, these guys, they all spend a lot of money to, to pay for these, to pay sponsorships for these anglers and to, to be there. You can't put the genie back into the bottle. It doesn't work that way.

So they've let it out. Now there are things that I think they could tweak. I think you could use it in practice. You can use it. You can spot. You can highlight how well you've been able to find fish and things like that It still has that has its place in that but in a tournament setting in the day of the tournaments I could see it being banned.

I don't I don't know what they'll do Because it's changing the way that people fish lakes however With all of that said, the event today started, the second tournament of the year started on Lake Fork in Texas, and going into that, everybody's just, this is gonna be another LiveScope event, this is all they're gonna do, but guess what happened today?

They caught him up shallow. You don't can't use live scope shallow. They caught him on beds. They caught him sight fishing You don't need live scope to sight fish.

Blasi: You can't suddenly it didn't dominate the game

Tigs: It's still, it's still, it's still a play. It's still a big play in it. Um, and I, I think the leader is most likely, most likely was live scoping, but there are other anglers that, that did not have to live scope to catch it.

They're on Lake Fork, big bass fishery, just a ridiculous number. I think last week there were. Don't hold me to this. Maybe six, if I'm counting on the top of my head, five or six 30 pound bags, which is a six pound average bass. That's nuts. That's a, that's a, that's a sack today on Lake Fork after a cold front has come through.

It's cool here in Baton Rouge today. I know it was a lot cooler, uh, up around Dallas and Lake Fork. There were 14 of the 103 anglers had 30 pound bags and the leaders at 39 pounds and one ounce. Man, that's crazy.

Blasi: It's a four day deal, right? Just like a golf tournament. Thursday,

Tigs: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

That's right. That's right. Thursday, Friday, full field, 103 anglers, then they cut to 50. Yep. So tomorrow's moving day tomorrow's moving day. It's just, it's just like golf. Yeah. A four day event. Then, then the top, the top 10, uh, it cuts to 50 on Saturday. Then the top 10 move on and fish on Sunday. Just the top 10, just the top 10 on Sunday, just the top 10 on Sunday.

Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah, I know there's two cuts, a double cut. So, uh, yeah, man, it's, uh, they're off and running on Lake Fork. We'll see. I think LiveScope will, will still play. It's going to play, but to see, well, the winter comes straight from that. I'm not convinced that they will anymore. However, again, this is an outlier because it's in the middle of the spawn.

Once the spawn is over with those fish pull out and you're not catching them uber shallow anymore You're not able to sight fish live scope all The way all I

Blasi: got an idea. I think I

Tigs: can save fishing. Okay

Blasi: Do how about you have it? Like somehow it's monitored And it's like, just like NASCAR, right? The height to the car and all that.

You come back, don't get caught cheating. But you've got burst on this thing. Where, boom! You got it for like 10 seconds. And then you're back dark for like 3 minutes. Boom! You know, a little burst. Live scope burst. You know? And give them a chance to figure some things out. Then, then you better catch it yourself.

Tigs: You know, anyway, just to provide not a bad idea. Or like you, you have, you can use it for 30 minutes in a day and it's timed. Yeah. There you go. Maybe even better than that, you got a, like a, like a, like a it as a timer and you can only use it a certain amount of time. You can choose whenever you want to use that.

You about be like, I'm smoking these things and I just need to, yeah. I mean, but it just adds strategy back into it too. Maybe an hour. That's pretty cool. You can, you can, yeah. Yeah, we're just, we're just spitballing, but that may not be a bad idea.

Blasi: It's like a tool that you've got, and once that tool's gone, it's out.

Like, you're out of that tool. That's right.

Tigs: Yeah. That's right. That's a good idea. I think somebody would probably be like, well, that isn't possible. They can't do that. Now those graphs, no, they can, they, they can, they may not can on the current model, but they can put something in, they can put a damn time monitor that they can put a timer into that stuff.

And yes, and they have to figure it out, whatever it's going to be, that timer has to be on all of the manufacturers. It has to work the same way. If you're not going to use, uh, you know, if you're not going to just go to one. Hummingbird or Lawrence or Garmin, you're going to use everybody. That's cool. No problem.

But they all have to work the same in that aspect that they have a timer. That may be the answer.

Blasi: Yeah, there we go. Let's let's limit that thing. Still

Tigs: limited. Yeah, it's limited. You can say it's so damn good. That it's limited, you know, that's it

Blasi: all figured out. We're here to, I mean, us and Nick Saban, Nick Saban, saving college

Tigs: football.

He's going to save college football. By the way, hell of a drop there with our boy, uh, David Ware on straight up, just calling that David only brings bangers. He only brings bangers coach

Blasi: replacement. You know, and he called Nick Saban call, uh, Saban college football. He had two calls

Tigs: that night. He's really

Blasi: impressive,

Tigs: you know, super, super impressive, almost as impressive as these tamales that I had at bub teas.

I picked these up. Yeah. I'm about to drop something new, uh, something new on y'all that, uh. that I did on Saturday. So I'm out at the weigh in Saturday and, uh, and I went and, and saw that Bub T's was out there. They, they make hot tamales. Sabine Parish, particularly Zawali, is well known for tamales. I mean, that's, people go, they have the tamale.

Tamale festival. Okay. So unbelievable little tamale deal. They have several little places up there that make them, but I, and I, I hadn't tried Bub T's. They're out there at the tournament. I picked me up four dozen of them. That's right. I said four dozen. Yeah.

Hell yeah, that turned into 48 real quick. You know? Yes, it does. Yes, it does. Uh, I still have a few left. They're in the freezer now. Uh, but yeah, so I visited with this guy. He's just walking down the hill. He had parked, he's going to the deal. I was about to give a little review. And I said, Hey man, you want to, you want a tamale?

And here we go. Alan Nichols, nice to meet you. Look, I just bought some hot tamales from Bub T's back there and uh, I was going to do a little review. You can tell I'm already in it. Sir, please have a hot tamale. Let's uh, let's rate this thing. Who is this guy? I love hot tamales. His name is Alan Nichols.

Where are you from here? I grew up in Florine. I live in Baton Rouge now, but Y'all just met right here on camera. I had to take, uh, I mean, obviously had to pick up a supply to go home. Have you had the ones that are wrapped in banana leaves? No. Oh, can you get those? Where can you get those around here? The only time I've ever seen them is at the Free State in Florine.

It's one little lady that does. I think she's from Mexico. Okay. And she comes up. Doesn't hurt a little thing and goes back home. Yeah, sounds good. I've never had this. I've never been to Bub

Blasi: T's because I've been wanting to try them. So

Tigs: a plus student, nine three and it seems to be my score on everything here lately.

But I mean, it's as good as it is. I like a LNW and Zawali. I like them a lot. Just like Dave. These are really super good. And these are just the regulars. Right. They had the extra hot. They're out of extra hot. I wouldn't want extra hot. They're hot enough. Those

Blasi: are warm. They are.

Tigs: Awesome. I mean, there you go.

That's great, dude.

Blasi: Yeah, I think your scoring system is probably like when Dave started doing the pizza reviews. He was really high. He had to bring that down, so. I'm sure

Tigs: you'll level off at some point. Dude, I'm going to tell you that this trip that I was just on Spoiler alert for this content that is coming, there are no low scores.

It's just like, shit, do you just love everything? Yeah, I do, but if, I mean, if I, I'm, I'd be honest. If you found good food, you found good food, huh? I know where to go up there. It's where I'm from for God's sake. So yes, I did. But dude, I want to go up there. Like all this, you are going to go up there. You are going to go up there.

I was telling handler this, uh, before you joined us prior to prior to this one, um, that we're going to have a retreat at Toledo bin, we're going to go fish, we're going to go to some of these places that I've been to, uh, we're just going to make an event of it. So yeah, you're coming, you know, I'm coming to the beach.

You're coming to Toledo bin. That sounds

Blasi: like a plan. I'm in. I'm down.

Tigs: It's what we've got to do. So, uh, I'm kind of just looking at the chat. Oh, we got a, we got a boom from, uh, from Trey Smith saying sup fellas. Yes, sir. Let's see what Hilton has to say about LiveScope. Um, and then we're going to move on.

Live scope lets you put it in their face with a bit more precision. But when you are around hundreds or even thousands of fish that you saw off to the side with your side imaging, your odds of getting your lure in front of one is still pretty darn high. And that is a fact that is a fact, man. I mean, the thing is, and I kind of likened it to a guy I had, uh, I had on with the Toledo Ben Lunker association that I had on earlier this week.

I've dropped that one. I think on Monday, um, we're kinda, we're just kinda talking these fish that people are catching. right now. They're virgin fish. They've never been caught. They live offshore. They don't get lures presented to them. You know, they're just they're virgin fish. So at some point, I think you will also get a balance.

All those people who used to beat the bank, the bank's getting freed up a little bit. But not really because not everybody has live scope and the thing that's the most ridiculous about this. And then I'm going to stop cause I could do a whole episode about live scope. And like I said, it's beating a dead horse, these boats and go check them out.

Go check out, uh, Chris Zaldain on YouTube. Zaldangerous is the channel and he has a podcast called the bilge. It's a fantastic fishing podcast. He has amazing guests on there. He went around to these different boats and looked at their electronics and asked them how much did it cost? You know, what was, what do they think it costs?

Between 25, 000 and 50, 000 is what it costs. Just electronics. Just electronics, man. That's ridiculous. One boat, one boat had seven, seven graphs, dude, four in the back and then three in the front. You don't need that many damn graphs, dude. It's just gotten, it's just gotten insane. And that's what, that's the problem.

Um, the, the playing field, your average man, your average guy who's starting up your average college kid, who's wanting to get into professional bass fishing. They can't afford to get into it because if you don't have all of that stuff, you're behind the eight ball, all of your opponents have it. Yes. Yes.

You're at a huge disadvantage. Yes, you are. You're I don't think you have to have 50, 000. Dollars, I think you could probably slip it off and be just fine with like five. I think you'd be okay with four But you know that such is such is the name such is the name of the game Man, I'll tell you what I talk about that all night.

Um, don't get me hot. Uh, just a, just a quick little thing. And then we're going to move on from fishing. They're fishing live right now on Lake fork. It is unbelievable. I highly suggest tuning in. Tomorrow or this weekend, whenever you're listening to this, they're fishing from seven o'clock in the morning, they go live, you can catch it on a bassmaster.

com, watch them. And then, uh, they have the weigh ins in the afternoon at three o'clock. But right now, this is just, I just pulled up some numbers. I wanted to look at, uh, where everybody was kind of standing. It's so tight up there. It really, it really isn't going to matter. I don't, I don't think the top five will be the top five after tomorrow.

They're going to all flip flop. It's, it's just so tight. So like I said earlier, 14, 30 pound bags, 50th place, you caught 50th place. is 21 pounds, 11 ounces. So you had your good day yet? You had 21 pounds sack and that's, that's at the cut line. You're at the cut line. So basically you're going to have to have 45 pounds at least tomorrow.

I do believe to make the cut, which is nuts. Luke Palmer is who has, uh, the 21, 11. He finished sixth on Toledo Bend last week. Um, Clark Wendlandt, he has 20 pounds and is in 69th place. That's insane that there were 69 bags that were 20 pounds or better on a day that was not good on a day that was really not a good weather day.

I'd, uh, I predicted that it was going to take 115 pounds and six ounces, but I do not, uh. Don't believe I'm going to be right. I think it's going to take more than that. Well, you know, last week

Blasi: you started off at like one 30, then you brought it down to about a hundred, a hundred, just like 105 or just took it

Tigs: down to one or two, one or two six the day before the tournament.

And because I saw the weather, what

Blasi: was the end result? It was close to that one. I'm too.

Tigs: Wasn't it? It was like, um, yeah, it was, I think it was like a hundred and one nine. Yeah, you were seeing

Blasi: that. I was like, that's amazing that he got that close to that number. Cause you asked me like, that's something you're dialed in on.

And I had to guess, I would do that. I don't know what I'd have guessed. I'd have guessed, I'd probably guessed, you know, 60, 70 pounds

Tigs: or so. Yeah. I dialed in on Toledo being just a lot of things coming at that, right. At that coming at the right time, the spawn, the full moon, warmer temperatures. But then that Thursday wind killed it.

Still, some of the biggest bags of the tournament were weighed in on that day. Will that happen this week? We will see. Um, we shall see. We shall see. We shall definitely see. But, um, anyhow, moving on from that. Lacey was on some entertaining things. I'm just going to play the video first. This video's doing pretty well on social media.

It's pretty funny. Uh, let, let's just let let it go.

Blasi: Ah, the double Big Mac. It's got twice the meat. Well,

Tigs: nobody knows about meat like I do. You know that? You could look at it, and we talked about this with Marco Rubio. You know, he said I have small hands, and he said something else was small. And, uh, you know, it's, uh, unfortunate that he said that, because then I had to say there's no problem.

Uh, but you have The double Big Mac. It's a tremendous sandwich. I actually suggested it to them. I said, you need to put more meat. And, uh, you know, they said, that's what she said. I said, not when I was in the room, she didn't say that. Uh, because she took one look at it and said, excuse me, what am I supposed to do?

That's a lot. Let me tell you something. And how do you think I landed milania? You know that it's really incredible They call it a hammer, you know paul pelosi knows a thing or two, but he puts it somewhere else Uh, but you look at the big mac. We love the big mac and we love the double big mac. We actually love There's actually a quadruple Big Mac.

Nobody's ever done it before except Chris Christie. And he is going to be making an appearance. He's not jumping out of the race after all. April 8th, Chris Christie is getting back into the race. I don't know if anybody heard about it, but there's going to be a solar eclipse. The moon is going in front of the sun, but it's actually going to be Chris Christie getting back into the race to lose again.

That's what I can tell you because it's going to be tremendous.

Blasi: Oh, so

Tigs: Blasey, we're going to start with the end out, I think,

Blasi: because I couldn't hear the question, maybe everybody else could, maybe it's just me, but what I asked him, so yeah, um, yeah, so that was a

Tigs: Tuesday night, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. It was Tuesday.

Blasi: Yeah, that was Tuesday. So yeah, that's, that is Sean Faraj and he's got a, he, he's on social media. He's on X. Um, and he also has a podcast called the ungoverned, the ungoverned podcast. And it's a really good show, but dude, he is hands down the best Trump impersonator I have ever heard in my life, man.

He is so, Spot on. And he's so spontaneous. I mean, I asked him, I went on this podcast the other night and it, um, it was, uh, mark Nalton had, has this, he does this thing called Trump Tuesdays. And so I just saw like a, you know, a spaces thing come up from Sean and I just started watching it. Next thing I know, I'd hit the request button kind of accidentally.

I, I was trying to just listen and I, I realized I was now becoming a speaker. And then they're calling on me and I was like, well, hold on a minute. So I had to, I happened to be in the studio. So it was pretty quick. I was able just to plug in the mic to my phone real fast. And, um, and so I asked him, you know, when they came on, I asked him about, you know, uh, you know, has he tried the double big Mac and that, that was the question leading into that.

So it's funny that, you know, he was answering questions left and right from people and do just killing it. You know what I mean? And just absolutely nailing it, knocking it out of the park. So he's a, he's a cool cat. The dude,

Tigs: the dude, so talented, you know, he is, he's really good. I went on, he's, you can follow him at, um, it's deplorable.

Something on Tik TOK, Sean Farish and, uh, and he's on Instagram too, and everywhere. He has some awesome videos of just. Clips kind of like that of just that look when a little secret sauce, whenever you, you make a clip like that, there are a lot that's cut that moves fast. I didn't cut that. I cut it in a couple of little spots, but I didn't really, he just talks that fast and he's got the cadence down and then the, and the, the breathing part that every it's awesome.

He's really good. He's really

Blasi: good, really, really good. And it's funny that yesterday, Alex Stein, uh, I think that meeting was for Monday, typically that they do those, uh, those city council meetings in Plano, Texas that he shows up at and loves to just, you know, bombard and get his two minutes of time to talk about whatever he does, whether he does some sort of a rap or whatever the heck he does, you know, to make fun of.

Them and, you know, it's really just a way to dig at their decisions and some of the dumb stuff that they

Tigs: do over there. So, and make easy content. Absolutely. Let's, let's

Blasi: get, let's, let's get

Tigs: to the chase here. It's ballsy though, man. It's ballsy. It is ballsy.

Blasi: And, uh, he had shown Faraj call in on the phone and had.

And he told him, Hey guys, I got a special guest tonight. It's the 45th president, United States, Donald Trump. And dude, he comes in and they start talking about his shoes. They're trying to bring shoes in for all the kids at the school. It's like, it'd be part of the uniform. I mean, did they keep going and going?

And dude, Sean, just, I mean, you could, what's funny is watching Alex on that, dude, he is, and that dude does crazy stuff all the time. He's trying not to laugh, you know? Cause Sean is just so spot on, you know, like, Oh my gosh, the dude, the dude is. It's absolutely unbelievable and uh, so yeah, check him out. Go check him out over

Tigs: there.

Yeah. See you. Absolutely, man. Absolutely. He's fun to follow. Just getting us into more and more stuff. Blasey. I love it. I love it. Uh, so yeah, I mean on Tuesdays, we're going to have to be posted up, uh, and yeah,

Blasi: we got, we got a plan to come in there and mix it up with them a little bit. We're going to have some fun.

We're going to have some fun like we always do here on TIGFITS.

Tigs: We always have fun. We're going to

Blasi: parlay that now that we have access. And we're in, we got an invite to come back on Trump Tuesday. So we'll be

Tigs: back there. That's right. That's right. I found a little fun fact. Of course, you know, today being a leap day, yeah, it'll be four years before we could potentially even do another show on this date on February 29th, aging our show, uh, by, by giving the date away.

But I found something interesting and I just, while I was looking up stuff. Makes sense. This is an a leap year fact every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year except for years that are exactly divisible by 100 but the centurial years are leap years if they are exactly 100. By 400 or so.

Y'all keep that. Y'all keep that shit straight in your heads out there. That's how you know, I didn't realize leap year

Blasi: went back as far as it did. Um, and I'm trying to remember today. I was looking, it goes well back. Um, you know, with the Egyptians, I mean, way like this is way bc. And did you know at one time they used to actually have this party at the end of the year?

They would just like carve out like five days and just say, you know what we're going to do? We're going to just party for five days and act like they never existed. That's the way they kind of handled it. And then Rome in like 31 BC, they decided that, you know, Hey, this thing has gotten kind of off and they adopted the Egyptian calendar as well.

Um, but then they would just, one year they had this 455 day year. that they did just to catch everything back up because it kind of gone overboard or something. So anyway, it's kind of crazy to think that they were, they were all over it, but they adopted Egyptian calendar in 31 BC and they knew that it was 365.

Tigs: 25 days. Unbelievable. Isn't that crazy that

Blasi: they, I mean, they were aware of all this back then. So it's kind of wild.

Tigs: Uh, you just can't tell me there wasn't another society that somehow that we haven't been wiped out that that was replaced, you know, and then bam, anyhow, Aaron Ryan says that the next leap day is also on Mardi Gras.

I did not know that. Good fact. Good fact there, Aaron. Thanks for sharing that. Uh, wow. That's going to be, uh, that's going to be a fun day. Wow. You, that's the, everything you just said. That is the perfect day if we make it that far. And I hope we do as a society. Do

Blasi: you know anybody that was born on, on leap

Tigs: day or leap year?

I do. I do a friend of mine, Isaac. Uh, Isaac was born on this day. I don't, I, I mean, I'm assuming. He's 48, but maybe he's 49 based off of whenever we moved into the year 2000. Is that one of those it's divisible by 400? I don't know at all. That's a lot to keep up with, but I, uh, but he's a happy birthday to him.

Happy birthday to any other leapers. You know, all, all you leave what they call there. Yeah, that's what they're called leapers and the frogs and all. So I was looking up, I was going to put a little thumbnail graphic of leap day. And how do you do that? You know, just not, not really seen that out there very often.

And, uh, that's what popped up frogs and things like that. And then, uh, dived into the rabbit hole as I often do and found that there are people that are just trying to get this day, you know, like you get a calendar and you got Valentine's day, it says that, or what. Columbus day or whatever the hell day it is.

It's a, a national holiday or a holiday of some sort or a relevant day. And, uh, they're just trying to, they're just trying to get leap day on the calendar, but who do you talk

Blasi: to to do that? I don't know who you talk to. I don't know who you talk to.

Tigs: Yeah. Find folks at, uh, I was going to say Dunder Mifflin.

No, that's the paper company, Houghton Mifflin. That's who I'm thinking of not Dunder Houghton, you know, the people who made all of the books that you read while you were in high school, maybe elementary

Blasi: school, maybe you should back door it and just go to these, uh, like your local Chinese restaurant and whoever delivers those.

You know, um, Chinese calendars, maybe they can work backwards through those guys and you can at least get it. That's a beautiful calendar. I love to get my hands on those

Tigs: each year and those bamboo things. Oh my

Blasi: God. They're unbelievable. And the art work on on this phenomenal what they really take pride in their calendars.

And so, yeah, I saw somebody, it was funny. I saw I was sitting in the car tonight after track meet. And Noah, um, Madison, he got in the back car and he looked over and he said, Hey, that lady to the left of us in that car is looking at a map. And I looked, I was like, Huh, I didn't see anybody looking at a map in a minute.

I looked, it was a calendar. She had a giant, like, calendar you'd hang up. She was flipping through it, like, doing her thing. A

Tigs: Rand McNally. Yes, big,

Blasi: big, yeah, I know that's what I was looking for, was that Rand McNally map to come out, but it was, it was actually a calendar, but I thought that was kind of funny still, I was like, why does she got this giant calendar right there in front of her?

is wrong

Tigs: with this lady? I thought we do that on our phone now, you know? What is that thing she's scribbling? Is that a pen? What's wrong with you, lady? Oh Lord. Well,

Blasi: yeah, we're, she pulls up a rotary phone, you know, he starts dialing.

Tigs: That's exactly right. That's exactly right. Uh, alright, moving on. Yeah, moving on.

Don't have a whole lot more left to talk about. Got, um, really, really nothing more to talk about. Chat. If y'all want to chime in, anything on your mind while we kinda start to, to dwindle, dwindle this down a little bit. Dwindle, dwindle, dwindle. Dwindle this down. Yeah, we've been. Been going for a little bit.

Um Man, I just can't I can't thank enough The the effort of the toledo bend lake country. You can follow them on the social media channels they did a Absolutely amazing amazing job out there. I miss georgia Kelsey, Crystal, all of them just putting on that event at Toledo Bend, the SRA, the Sabine River Authority.

Every single hand that was out there, man, y'all did amazing. Y'all did amazing and OH! HOLY COW! Look who's chimed in Mr. Shannon Ray had a blast dude. I had a blast hanging out with you, uh, as well. Just can't stop bragging about the barbecue, but I got to kind of tease it and hold a little bit. I got to hold a little bit in there, Shannon, and I'm going to let, I'm going to let it all out here in the next week or two, uh, that whole full deal, but dude, blown away, absolutely blown away at, at Shannon's go in there.

My friends at Curtis Grocery out there, um, had, had a, a wild, wild conversations and good food, unbelievable food. Their fried fish is as good as it gets. I was perusing social media earlier today. They had steak fingers. You know, those old school steak fingers, like you used to could get in a Dairy Queen or something.

Steak fingers. You can't hardly find them anymore. You know, I don't see steak fingers at all. Nowhere exactly what you're talking about. Yeah. Steak fingers, some potatoes, some white gravy, you know, what's up? Some toast. Hell yeah. They have that at Curtis grocery. So go jump in on that thing, dude. It was, uh.

Unbelievable. Unbelievable, man. I can't Paul there. Paul says we need to check out the February 28th song with Coe Wetzel. Co Co. Have you listened to Coe much at all? Blasey? You know, I have

Blasi: not,

Tigs: I have not. Nope. He's good, dude. He's good. He's very soulful. Uh, he puts on some. Amazing concerts. I've never, I've never seen him, but I've seen footage.

I have friends that go and, uh, and all of that, man, all of that. Um, how do we spell that? Is that C O K O E W E T Z L. If you just put in co and your Spotify or whatever, you're all

Blasi: right. I'm not, I'm not far behind. All right. Yeah, I got it. My notes. I will be checking that out. Give me something to do this

Tigs: evening.

Yep. Exactly. Shannon says I'm killing him. And then Hilton says the Toledo Bend Lake Association. Uh, that was a great video that I posted a lot of cool facts about the longer program. You know what? I'm going to show that video again. I do have that. And it is, this is, I learned something. While we're kind of wrapping up here, I learned something that I always thought on Toledo Bend.

So he explains this, you catch a 10 pound bass, you can get a replica if you release it back and all of that stuff. I didn't know where the locations were anymore. They were not the same as where they used to be the last time I, uh, the last time I went. So let's hear Mr. Gary Moore, who we had on the show earlier this week, talking about the Lunker program on Toledo Bend.

One catches a bass that weighs 10. 00 or larger. They take it to one of seven approved weigh stations that are located around the lake on both sides of the lake, Texas or Louisiana. Weigh the fish, fill out our paperwork, turn the fish over to the people at the weigh station for them to release it alive back in the lake and witness.

that fish swimming away. That angler earned a free fiberglass replica of their fish. If you were to catch a 10 pound bass, what do you need to go do? You've got to go to a way station. I have two in Louisiana. One is at Living the Dream Guide Service. One is down at Buckeye Landing. On the Texas side, we have Fin and Feather.

We also have one that's just off the water down at Fairmount. Uh, store. We have one at Keith's Tackle on Highway 21, just before you come across the lake. Go immediately to one of those sites, take it in a weigh in bag with water into the facility, get them to weigh the fish. They'll measure it, they'll tag it, they'll put it back in the bag, they'll go out there with you, they'll turn it loose with you.

I mean, it's that simple. It is just that simple. You just go to Toledo, Ben, you go catch you a 10 pounder, go to the weigh station. I mean, Hey, let me ask you a question.

Blasi: So here's what I was wondering. So let's say I catch like an 11 pound bass, right? Do they measure it, take the distance and then actually replicate it to that?

Or are they just giving you this fiberglass fish that they got this

Tigs: No, no. They, they, they, they measure it. They do the, the length, the girth. Um, so it's a replica of what you, it's a replica of the fish. Yeah. They take pit. Okay. So it just says a fiberglass fish. He hands you and you walk away. Now here you go, man.

No, it caught it. It costs, I don't think, I don't, yeah, I don't think in that video, he says it costs like 500. Well, that's what I was about to say. That's my

Blasi: point to that. It's like, man, to do that, it's like, that's a, that's awesome that they do that, man. It's not cheap if they're actually replicating the fish, you

Tigs: know?

No, no. And he kind of talks about in that interview, and y'all can go back and check it out. Uh, Mr. Gary Moore, uh, good little interview, man. It was, It was interesting. He broke down some facts about, uh, bass fishing and stuff, how they stock the lake and things that I had not ever heard before. So it was, it was really, it was really cool.

Um, but yeah, those replicas that's, that's a majority of their, uh, a majority of their budget goes into pumping them out and they have a big event every year called ultimate bass. Um, where. It's a big party, kind of like a Mardi Gras ball in a sense, but it's a lot of bass fishermen, people dress up and stuff like that.

They pass those out, um, to those, to those folks at that event where they used to pass them out at the McDonald's, uh, bass fishing deal, big, huge tournament up there. He said that that got to be a little bit chaotic. I was like, yeah, they were all hung on that stage that you could see some of these videos I posted.

They were all hung. On the stage. Like say they, they caught 130 last year. Then they're all, yeah, he was like, they would get broken and stuff like that. So, um, yeah, but yeah, like, like, like Hilton says, it's free for the fishermen. You just have to, You know,

Blasi: they're just encouraging taking that they're encouraging you to catch and release and let's keep that.

Let's keep that big bad

Tigs: boy in the water. Yeah, absolutely. Keep those genetics in the water, man, and let them replicate now that, you know, a fish that big isn't good to eat any else. So no,

Blasi: no, it's just something you're trying to mount, but they've got it. The mounting covered for you. And they're going to give you something exactly what you're really going to get.

If you go get it mounted, you know, like, so that's might as well do that and let that fish keep swimming. Hey, I do have an announcement here. One thing back to our friends over here at Bubba army bubble and Florida man radio. Dude, did you see where they're getting that station in Orlando, 103. 1 in Orlando, Orlando, dude, that is a mega station, like a 50, 000 watt tower, like a huge signal that just overlays all the way over to Tampa, like just absolutely covers up Orlando, Florida.

So dude, they're growing their footprint there for the first time, the talk radio station in Orlando is getting some competition. And it's bubble love sponge and the whole crew kept coming into town, man. So excited for those guys. That is an awesome announcement as they're growing that thing. So good things going over there.

Yeah. Congratulations to Bubba and the whole crew, and what you guys are doing. I listened to that thing all day long, man. I really do. I listened to one Oh three one when I'm in the car. If I'm not listening to some podcast or something on my phone, it always goes back to one Oh three, one here. It's funny.

It's one Oh three, one in Orlando, different station, one Oh three, one here in Fort Walton beach. But dude, I could be from here all the way to Pensacola, Florida, that thing, that thing blast up here too. Um, but the whole lineup of that Florida man radio is so good, man, from the mornings rolling into the afternoons.

It's, it's, it's a, it's

Tigs: a great station. So anyway, check them out on an app. Can't you? Uh, yes you can. Don't they have an have? What's the app? Yeah, you can

Blasi: go to Florida Man Radio and you can go in there and listen to whatever station you wanna listen to. And it's, it's the same lineup. So, um, yeah, it, it, it's really good, man.

It's really good. So.

Tigs: Awesome. Well go check it out. Um, look, I think we're gonna call it a wrap here, folks, man. We'll be back, uh, we'll be back next week and, and bring something else to you. Appreciate everybody. Chiming in. If you haven't done it yet, hit that like button, subscribe button, share it. Uh, this will be on replay, uh, over, over and over again.

So share it, share it, smash that like button, smash it all. And, uh, and we will be seeing you guys next week.

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