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Da Cajun Critique Caleb Bryan reviews Tigs Bits!

Tigs: Welcome to another episode of Tigs Bits and happy Easter to everybody there. Today, we are thrilled to have a very special guest with us. None other than the Cajun critique, Mr. Caleb Bryan known for his sharp insights and his unique perspective. Caleb brings a flavor of the Bayou to every conversation.

So sit back, relax, and get ready for an engaging discussion. That's going to be filled with Cajun spice. and everything nice. And speaking of spice and everything nice, let me welcome my distinguished, the honorable, Mr. Blossie, the one man posse. What is

Blasi: happening, brother man? How are you?

Tigs: Dude, if I was any better, they'd put me in the nut house.

I am, which I might ought to be.

Blasi: I like it. Oh, I know you absolutely should be there. I know you like most people don't. But uh, but anyway, that's another conversation. Uh, that's right now, man. I'm good, brother. I am good down here. I mean, weather's nice. Uh, getting ready. I think I'm gonna try to go out in the morning, try to catch some pompano.

My old neighbor is gonna pick me up. We're gonna go.

Um, but yeah, man, um, I hear they've been slaying them, so that's on my mind right now, and food's on my mind right now, we got a cool guest in here, anytime we talk about food, you know, we get fired up, you know, I've been thinking about

Tigs: that. Not hard to take

Blasi: notes and just mouthwatering thinking about different things, you know, so well, dude,

Tigs: look, as I've said, and in some of the posts on social media, and by the way, if you're, you're watching this, don't forget to like it.

Don't forget to share it. Subscribe if you haven't already follow the channels, but I said on the On social media is that you know, this is this is it's going to be interesting You better not come into this one hungry because if you do You're going to leave Ready to eat. So with that said man, let's bring in a cajun critic himself with the With the bunny.

I am the cajun critic

There he is the reveal

Caleb Bryan: what's going on guys What is

Tigs: happening, man

Caleb Bryan: Oh, just playing with this little bunny, you know, and just found this little bunny, my dog was playing with. And yeah, I mean, it's making me hungry looking at it, you know?

Tigs: Exactly, dude. Exactly. Well, man, thank you so much for, uh, for coming on, joining us and, uh, dude, let's just kind of get right into it.

Talk first about where, uh, where everybody can find you on your socials. And a little bit about what it is that you do. We know what you do, but you tell us a little bit about what it is that you do.

Caleb Bryan: Yes. So, uh, first off, my name is Caleb. I'm also known as a Cajun critique or critic. Uh, the concept of that name was to say, to spell it as critique, but mention it or say it as critic because us Louisiana people, we have some weird spellings and it's, and it's supposed to mean one thing, but it always means something else.

Um, and, um, uh, I'm, I'm on Facebook and Tik, uh, TikTok. I just started a TikTok recently, but Facebook I've been going since 2021. And, uh, I pretty much go anywhere and everywhere for food to critique, to promote a good and bad. Uh, it comes with the territory of eating food because Not everywhere we go, right, is amazing or the best thing in the world.

I hear that all the time about how something's the best in the world. And I'm very careful with my words. I don't want to ever say that because I have not been around the world to say that

Tigs: that's right. That that's, that's being smart. I'm one of those who gets a little carried away and everything is, I mean, do you think, is that the truth?

Not you? So this is why I would not be, um, I'm a, I could be, and I am a good little vlogger as this is what's happening. I am enjoying this. This is a cool place, but far as being a critic, that's going to be, that would be tough. Oh, no. Yeah. That's, that's, you

Blasi: know, what's funny is when I was a lot younger, especially like in college or whatever, I'm driving down the road where I'm, I could be out of state and I would see this sign be like best hamburger on earth.

And I would literally lock the brakes up, turn around, like, okay, I need you to show me that you have the best. Now. I hate to tell you nine times out of 10, it was not the best hamburger in the world, but I, but that would get me there. You know what I mean? Like, okay, you're going to claim this. I'm going to go eat it once either.

I'm going to tell everybody about it and I will tell everybody about it over and over again, or, you know, I'm never coming back here. Be careful when you state that. Be careful.

Caleb Bryan: Absolutely. That is a forewarning foreshadowing for all people who, who, uh, think something is incredible. Think about those words.

Tigs: Yes, no doubt. No doubt. Well, Caleb, what, what kind of got you started in this? Was it, where did, where did this passion to start chasing down some of the best food to go do all this? Where did that, where'd that start?

Caleb Bryan: It's, it started very young for me, you know, ever since I was a kid, I kind of grew up in a household that, uh, you know, my dad kind of, uh, showed me, you know, what, what food is, how, how to, uh, how to season food properly, uh, you know, good food isn't just no offense, but not, you know, pouring Tony's over something and it just tasting amazing.

It's just not. What actual good food and properly prepared food is. And, um, ever since, uh, social media kind of came out, I've always been very vocal about, you know, Hey guys, I'm over here getting the best, uh, getting what someone claims is the best burger, the best, uh, country fried steak or whatever. And I would always take photos and kind of give my opinion.

And, uh, people would get very upset when I didn't agree or when it wasn't what they thought it was. Uh, you know, and, and, uh, you know, and then, uh, one day, you know, well, quite a few times over, over, over this whole time lapse, people used to say, you should really be a critic, you know, as many places as you go, as much as you travel to different states.

And then, uh, one day I said, you know what I am, I'm going to make a page and classify myself as. a person with an opinion, a paying customer with an opinion. And, uh, and we'll see what, what goes. So it started back in 2021. And it's, uh, I'm almost in the last three months, I went from 3. 7, uh, uh, 3, 700, uh, followers to almost 10, 000.

Wow. That's really jumped up. It's jumped up.

Tigs: Dude, and once that happens, I mean, that opens up, you jump up to 10, 000. It's a whole different level of stuff. I imagine you're getting messages. We're getting, we're getting chats right now in the chat, uh, from folks and a quick shout out to everybody that is in the chat.

Uh, appreciate y'all. We will, we are going to incorporate you guys. Throughout this show as we go along on this roller coaster ride just had one question from Bubba fan 69 He said is this live or pre recorded? This is live brother. We are live. So in the house Anything anything and everything can happen Uh, of course, Paul Rogers is in here with us, our buddy Paul.

Thank you for, as always, for being in here, my man. Happy Easter, man. And, um, happy Easter to you too, Paul. And, uh, and Caitlin's Eatery says that Caitlin eats all of my food and that they have no left. Yes, I do.

Caleb Bryan: All right, every single laugh yet. I stopped at his truck. Uh, Ronnie is a good dude. Ryan's a

Tigs: great, I'm sorry.

I read that as Caitlin. That is my apology. It's Cotland

Caleb Bryan: or a cotton Scott. Okay. Okay. I don't know. I just, I just say, Hey Ronnie, you know, super, super, super ultra. The dude can cook, uh, you know, has some of the best burgers. I've personally not the best in the world. But some of the absolute, uh, best burgers and I continue going there at least, uh, every few weeks.


Blasi: I'm still, Hey, I'm curious. You mentioned a while ago that, uh, you went from three and a half, uh, thousand followers to 10, 003. What'd you do? Like a review, riding a bull or something. You know what I mean? You know,

Caleb Bryan: so, so, so, uh, I would say at that point, it was

Tigs: definitely my, it was definitely my, uh,

Caleb Bryan: my, my king cake reviews.

I started this journey. And I said, you know, I had about, uh, I had, uh, 80 or 76 or something like that king pigs in three weeks and, uh, yeah, yeah, I got super sick, by the way. I mean, I haven't even discussed it yet with anybody as far as the page, but, uh, Yeah, I got super, super sick from it. Uh, was not wise at all.

I didn't, I didn't, uh, it was three, three weeks and it was in the end, I think it was 81 or 83, so,

Tigs: uh, I was listening to you on developing Lafayette and, uh, on that podcast and you talked about. How you were dude, you're relentless with getting this content like you're so far ahead with what you have But you have weeks it said where you may make 15 or so stops to go to different food places And you're eating like a burger or a fried piece of chicken.

You're eating the whole meal Typically I did my god, I would so do that. I wish I could i've gained 15 pounds In the Senate's, I just said, just talking about me.

Caleb Bryan: I gained, uh, 15 pounds and a few weeks. And, uh, so this week I took off and I'm, I'm getting deep bloated. I still can't, I have like three weeks, three or four weeks backed up with videos.

So, uh, but, uh, yeah, it's, it's a perfect time. So this week I've been eating my chicken. Vegetables, my fish and vegetables. Um, kind

Tigs: of, uh,

Blasi: absolutely Gatorade and Metamucil, and you'll be fine. Nope,

Tigs: no

Caleb Bryan: Gatorade, but Powerade zero every single day.

Tigs: Yeah, dude. So that, uh, the, yeah, I mean, I can only imagine that that could be a problem.

I mean, you kind of have to start to play. out and think about that because you know, but you're going to have a ton of content. So it's like, well, do you have a number in mind? I know that you mentioned you had a ton of, you know, that you've done a lot of food reviews and things like that. Or we were kind of, we were talking off air before we, we came, we came on.

So that, tell us a little bit about that. Is that like your list of some of the places that you're going to follow back up on in a, in a way or? Um,

Caleb Bryan: I've, I've been to quite a bit of places. Um, but I mean, I mean, I have a list, but it's just getting longer and longer. Um, you know, uh, especially when people reach out to me, I don't.

I don't really have a, I don't think I've told him. I don't lie. I tell people no. Uh, but, uh, the majority of people, I'm like, sure, I'll definitely go and, uh, you know, check you guys out. And, uh, I said, and I was telling him, you know, good or bad, it's, you know, I'm going to post it, but I'll, I'll gladly share with you a lot of times beforehand before I post it.

But, uh, I'm very, very, you know, by the way, shout out to last yet lately. They, everyone, she's been on point. They've been on their, a game. Um, You know, which is really, really, really good because I don't have to say anything mean.

Tigs: That would be, I mean, and that, and that's the thing. I mean, right. You're, you're, you're going in as an actual critic to, to, to be critical of their food, good or bad. And you, you do that in every video before you, before you make it. And eventually you're going to run across Some bad. The good thing is that you're in Louisiana.

You're in Louisiana. You're in South Louisiana. It's going to be a little bit more limited in that area. Though it's not, there are places that I have gone, and you have too, that are like, uh uh. I wouldn't, I wouldn't send it where it's the enemy there, kind of places.

Caleb Bryan: Absolutely. I mean, so far in Lafayette, uh, in general of Lafayette area, uh, you know, that really hasn't happened yet, but where I'm from, that's happened quite a few times, you know, shout out to Morgan City.

Still, still love them, but, uh,

Tigs: Yeah, Morgan City. Yeah, I mean, it leaves a little to be desired at times. Maybe with the cuisine, that would be the toughest

Blasi: part for me because it's like if I go somewhere that's great, I'm going to shout from the rooftops, right? Tell everybody about it. I guess where it's not so great.

I mean, even if like if the people are nice there, but I just didn't like the food. I just don't say anything, right? I'm just kind of quiet. So that would be the hardest part for me. It's like, I've got to give this Person, a negative review. I feel maybe it was a bad day. I'd still, I just still feel bad. I'm sure that's a little tough, but that's kind of your job though.


Tigs: I

Caleb Bryan: mean, you know, there, there's a difference between giving someone raw food, like something raw and giving someone bad food, you know, if something was not made to, let's say a medium burger and you give me a rare burger, something happened there. I'm going to let you remake that. Like, you know, I'm not going to just say, Oh, they gave me a raw burger.

It was so horrible. Blood was just fuming out my mouth the whole time eating it. That would just be so stupid. Right.

Tigs: Certainly would not feel very real or authentic for sure. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, it's what you got to do. Right. It's just, yeah. Yeah. Like it, like a day Portnoy with the pizza reviews, you know?


Caleb Bryan: yeah. Even he bumps up a couple points and people are nice and that's okay. I mean, you know, because

Tigs: it

Blasi: does taste better when like, you've got good people around you as a positive energy versus some weird place, you know what I mean? And I'm

Caleb Bryan: going to be honest with you. That's so true. Yeah, that's so true, man.

Seriously. I feel that same way. And, you know, I always tell people like, you know, uh, it's very difficult when you're super nice to me to even say anything bad, although most of the time when they're super nice, uh, the food's really

Tigs: good, you could catch a lot more flies with honey. My wife says that all the time.

And it is very, very, very true. You really, really can, man. Well, What, what are some, let's dive into some, what are some of the favorite dishes? I know it's hard to say with, uh, with the places, but there's been, there have been a handful that just kind of blew you away or something. Maybe it was unusual or a little different take on something.

Tell us a little bit about that.

Caleb Bryan: Um, you know, first of all, I mean, I can just give a couple of businesses shout outs that I truly love to visit because every single time it's just excellent and great. You know, uh, I'm really big on the best stop, uh, and the Bruce, the Bruce, our location in general, uh, every single time you walk in there, it's like a parade, even if it's not me, it's someone else behind me or someone in front of me.

It's like a parade that they're so happy to see their customers. Food's always really good. Uh, especially the breakfast, um, you know, Cotland's eatery. Again, uh, I got to shout him out, you know, Ronnie knows what he's doing in the kitchen. He's he's in there doing it. Uh, you know,

Tigs: uh, he mentioned a king cake burger, hamburger.

I've, I've lost it in the, in the chat rolling up there, but I read it. He had a king cake burger. My Lord, tell me about that.

Caleb Bryan: That was phenomenal, man. The king cake buns were delivered to him from. Oh, someone in last yet who I did a review for as well, but remember 80 something reviews. So it's hard to remember names,

Tigs: but,

Caleb Bryan: but it was absolutely phenomenal.

I mean, every way, you know, and I got him, I think, I think I asked him to do like a triple or something. So the burger was like this and, um, you know, had a, had a nice little, uh, onion jam. Which is one of his specialties, the Cotland's eatery, and, uh, it's, if you haven't had it, you seriously should

Tigs: go. What's in an onion jam?

I have to stop you right there. I'm sorry. What is in an onion jam? All I

Caleb Bryan: know is he smothers onions down and he puts a bunch of stuff in it and it's like a jam. It's like a jam paste and oh, it is phenomenal, man. Absolutely phenomenal. There's

Blasi: a guy here that does a pepper jam and it's very similar to one.

I know exactly what you're talking about. It's on a burger and it's phenomenal. Yep. So, wow.

Tigs: Yeah. I'm going to this place. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming too. I'm going to come. I'm a burger. Person. Oh yeah, dude. I love burgers like that. It seems right.

Caleb Bryan: Yeah, that's in last yet. He's usually, uh, let's see.

He's usually, uh, he can probably tell you. I don't remember. It's

Tigs: it's so in it. I think Gavin says it somewhere. Jam is definitely a hundred percent greatness. Yeah,

Caleb Bryan: it is. I've taken off the bread like this. And just done

Tigs: this. He probably just ate it by itself, dude. Oh my lord. I'm going to have to look this up and make one.

I can't think of anything bad. Like our friend Bobby John says, if you don't have an onion in your kitchen,

Blasi: and I don't even want to talk to you, you got

Tigs: to have an onion. Yeah, that's right. Wow. It's

Blasi: true.

Tigs: Think about every single dish in South Louisiana, just about, that's just about most of them start with some, there's an onion involved somewhere in that sucker at some point.

That's right. Oh man, that sounds, that sounds phenomenal. So didn't mean to cut you off there. Well, it's fine. It's fine. What's the other favorites that pop up that you can think of? You know, not

Caleb Bryan: even talking about a lot yet, just veering off into Morgan city. There's, there's, you know, really two that I've been going to lately.

And that's Gio's Mexican food truck and Otaku Riendo's Mexican food truck. Uh, phenomenal burritos. I've done reviews for both of them. Plenty of times. And, uh, oh, that's my girl, Malika. Hey, what's going on, my

Tigs: friend? She also says that onions should be our state vegetable. I mean, I can't disagree. I can't disagree.

That was the bell. I wonder what is our

Blasi: state vegetable?

Tigs: That's

Caleb Bryan: a good question. That's somebody I bet

Tigs: you it's onion in the chat. Somebody knows.

Blasi: Why wouldn't it be an onion? Like,

Tigs: it's probably like a jalapeno

Caleb Bryan: or something.

Tigs: Nevermind. It's got to be

Blasi: somewhere, right? Somewhere in those three. Yeah.

Caleb Bryan: Yeah. I mean, uh, as far as like, you know, places, Oh, good.

Thank God. But, but yeah, I just, um, you know, there's a lot of places and it's, it's getting hard to keep up, but, uh, you know, I will say, uh, the grub lot in particular, I've been going there a lot to blues man, seafood and, uh, Carol's kitchen. Cajun eats was there a few times and I mean, all of them, all of them have fantastic food in every way.

I mean, You know, and I've been going there like twice a week, three times a week. So it's been good.

Tigs: Wow. Wow. Cooking, cooking with Cajun. Thanks for, uh, thanks for watching, man. Thanks for chiming in, joining in, in the chat. He says, uh, he remembers a place around new Iberia, uh, po boys that there, there was, their food was really, really good.


Caleb Bryan: it must be, uh, it must be barn Creole.

Tigs: Okay.

Caleb Bryan: It's phenomenal. It's 12 inch overstuffed with like 70 medium sized shrimp. It's phenomenal.

Tigs: The sweet potato. We should have known this. I feel I sweet potato. I think we need to maybe get with the state legislature, contact your state representative. Or your senator and let's, let's get this.

Let's get this food. Man. I love this. I mean, we could debate onion or be pepper. I love those

Blasi: Cajun sweet potatoes. For real, man. When's the last time you talked to anybody? Talk about Louisiana. I mean, nothing against a sweet potato. Have you talked to 'em and they're like, oh man, have you had our sweet potato this or our sweet potato that has that?

I mean, never. Nope. How was that? Nope. That's crazy. That's crazy

Tigs: town. Have either of you ever put a slice of American processed American cheese on a sweet potato? I don't think I

Caleb Bryan: have. I can't tell you the last time I ate a sweet

Tigs: potato. There you go. Shane, I tried, I asked. Uh, and the answer is no. Nobody does that.

I did fresh slice of russet potato today. He is in the chat.

Blasi: And make my own potato chips. So I did that today after watching that. Yeah,

Tigs: yeah. So earlier today, I don't want this to get too far off the rails. I posted on X, Twitter, whatever. Uh, this young lady, Uh, Made an amazing documentary. She started on this two years ago.

She's only 18 years old, but it's about food and cancer and basically eat naturally from the, you know, eat real food, eat real food, eat real food. And, uh, so, I mean, I have no problem with that, but maybe in our discussion tonight, this isn't the place to, we'll talk about that down the road. So those potato chips turned out great.

It inspired Blasey to make some amazing potato chips. And I mean, you know, it's

Blasi: cooked in bacon grease, by the way. That was terrible, right?

Caleb Bryan: No, it sounds phenomenal. I know a bacon grease does, man. It sounds phenomenal.

Tigs: Flat out makes every single freaking thing better. You can't go wrong with bacon grease.

You just can't, you just can't. So I'll tell you, share, um, What is a memorable interaction that you have had with, have you gone up and had any business owners like, I do not want you here. I don't want you recording. Has that happened? Yeah, it does. Uh,

Caleb Bryan: I mean, I still, I get emails, you know, I get emails, you know, politely, most of the time they're very polite saying like, okay.

We don't want you coming to our restaurant critiquing and I've been told, uh, to my face as well. Uh, and Private messages on Facebook as well. Like we don't want you coming here and you know, you you're uh, you're just gonna destroy our business and uh with your one single review, it's just gonna destroy this and you know This entire thing.

We don't.

Tigs: I mean, are you, are you scared? I mean, what do you, I think you would want the public to come in there or not. I would want to get better, you know, like a bar rescue kind of situation. All right. Well, this isn't good. This, you know, we could do better. That's okay. We can do better. Come try us again.

You would think

Caleb Bryan: that. But a lot of people, especially where I'm from, a lot of people think you have to have a degree to have an opinion. Uh, it's very, very sad that we live in a world where, uh, I, and I wish I would have thought about it. We could have pulled up a screenshot of the message, a screenshot, plenty of them.

What is your, uh, what are your qualifications to do what you're doing? And I'm just like, uh, I have a receipt. I'm a paid customer. I have a brain, which gives me opinions and I have a mouth to speak and you know, and I'm just like, and I actually thought about doing like a little tick tock video where like, you know, I'll put that question and I'm just walking on the screen and.

Just showing each reason walking off and showing another one just to be really like a smart aleck, you know

Blasi: I don't blame you, dude I mean like hey If you got a restaurant and you haven't been there yet And I know who you are and i'm gonna send you a message and say don't come here because you could destroy me Yeah, like I don't have much confidence in what i'm doing and I probably don't need to be in business like really Or you need to adjust your mindset.

You should be the exact opposite and be like, please come on in the water's fine You And I want to show that for you, you know what I mean? Like, if you're confident in what you do, otherwise you need to get to a different Industry or something, you know, you're not, you're not doing the right thing, you know, because it's all about love and bringing something.

It's sure. Yeah. Negativity. Like, I don't know, man, that's weird to me.

Tigs: I mean, I tell people all the

Caleb Bryan: time, if there's nothing, you know, if I don't, if I have a good experience, I'm going to write good things. If I have a bad experience, including the food or the service, I'm going to write about that. I mean, and look, you know, you should treat me as any other customer who walks in the room.

Like, you know, don't treat me special. And then the person to the right I'm seeing being mistreated because I'm going to say something like, hey, hey, I know you're trying to impress me. But handy of people, I've done that, I've done that. Look, I'm very outspoken against that, you know, uh, or, or I'm just for that.

Um, you know, but I mean, most of the people, you know, I would say 95 percent of them have just been so welcoming. And, you know, a lot of them just reached out on their own, which is really cool. And saying, you know, my business isn't doing the greatest, uh, can you help? And I'm like, Yeah, 100%. I'll be there. Uh, I'll, I'll eat your food.

I'll, I'll make a promotion video for you. I mean, you know, and just to help them out and everything. But I do, I do get messages. Uh, I just got one, uh, yesterday. Uh, from uh, somebody who sells crawfish and, uh, they don't want me there.

Tigs: Wow. That's unbelievable. But I mean, I, I can because look, I sell, I sell, I sell insurance.

I work with business owners, some business owners are. Not that fun to work with just to be straight up honest with you. Most of them are, but some just aren't. And that's just people in general. So, uh, you know, it's a little sad that they're, uh, they don't have enough confidence in themselves to let somebody just come and tell it like it is.

Caleb Bryan: Absolutely. And you know what though, but here's the deal about that. I don't need your permission to, to, to post your, my thoughts out being a paid customer, but I'm also not a butthole about it. Like, you know, if you don't want me there, like. So even critique, I'm not coming to your restaurant at all. I'm not giving you my money,

Tigs: you know, and in one sense it, look, it's, they, you can scratch that name off the list.

They don't want me there. Absolutely. Not a problem. It's one less place. Great. One less. Great. Who's your competitor? Cause I'm going to go there and blow them up. So, I mean, you know, it's like, Just be smart, be smart with it. Well, and I'm going to get that review

Blasi: riding the back of a bull. You know what I mean?

Caleb Bryan: We're going back to the bowl again.

Blasi: I'm still amazed at that part of it. So, Caleb, I got a question for you. So, so you live in Morgan city, is that right? Or are you

Tigs: from there?

Caleb Bryan: Yeah. Yeah. So I'm, I'm born and raised in Morgan city. Okay.

Blasi: That's cool, man. I, I, I ended up there in some weird chase of a, of a, uh, camper, camper one time, but I went to this bar and they had a first time I'd ever seen it live.

They had, um, was it mud wrestling or jello wrestling going on in the middle of the, of the bar? Come on,

Caleb Bryan: man. I swear. It's probably, it's probably poor

Blasi: dudes, huh? I don't know. It's been 10, 12 years ago since I was there, but I was there and it's like, wow, it's right in the middle of the bar. And like, you know, women, either wrestling or jello wrestling was one of the two, or I don't know, it was one of the three maybe, but it was just kind of crazy, like everybody, you know, I was like, wow, this is kind of insane.

I was there with a buddy of mine, but that's all I remember from Oregon. So, uh, but that was a dear part. That's where I was spending most of my time. And I came down

Tigs: forward to one of these days and I've heard the story. It's fantastic. One of these days, Blasey's going to share that, that story. Uh, that was a

Blasi: great.

I mean, I got nothing out of it, but it was phenomenal. I had such a good time. I ate some frogs, some really good frog legs at this one place. Yeah, I had some good food. People were super nice. I'm so happy you had good

Caleb Bryan: food here, man. I

Blasi: did have good food. And people were really nice, you know. And they knew who I was after about 12 hours.

Everybody knew who I was. That was what was crazy. How quick it got around that I was there looking for this camper. It's another story for another day. Well, we'll have to tell it. Seems

Tigs: like I know this

Caleb Bryan: story though.

Tigs: Yeah, you do. It's it's, it's common and it, but his gets a little crazy. It gets a little crazy.

Not PG and that's another, another episode of Tigs

Blasi: bitch. I have to walk. Like, like I love Louisiana. I love the food in Louisiana. Like it is a great state. I love the people over there. It's phenomenal. But I have to walk. I go over there a little bit with a different mindset, especially to get down in there, dude.

I've had to not, not to get weird or anything. Two of my mother's brothers, my uncles have been murdered in Louisiana. That's the truth. One in Morgan city and one in, in, uh, New Orleans. And so, dude, I go over there. I don't mess around. You know what I mean? I'm really

Tigs: cautious, very guarded, very guarded.

Blasi: Yeah.

So yeah, and it got a little weird over there. So I got a little nervous started Thinking about that. You probably

Tigs: don't need to be a food critic in Louisiana.

Oh lord, oh man, but yeah, dude, so I mean you run across Obviously run across all kinds of all kinds of people. What are you? Do you have? Because you're just really kind of getting started with your videos from what you were telling us How crazy have some of these negative comments been? Like how bad have they really gotten?

Caleb Bryan: Um, you know, I did a review, uh, a written review a couple of weeks ago, and that's, that's what I was mostly known for is my written reviews. I've, I've done, I don't know, 250 to 300 at least. And you know, uh, the, one of the most recent ones I did, You know, it was, uh, it was one of the last ones I did before I started my videos, but, um, yeah, I've had a lot of, you know, death threats, and I've had, uh, I've had people

Tigs: You've had death threats?

Caleb Bryan: Yeah, yeah, I can show you the death threats. It's really, really sad. Um, but

Hey, that's actually kind of accurate.

Blasi: That's probably hitting close to home.

Caleb Bryan: No, no, look, you know, the craziest thing about it, man. Um, you know, I remember even recently I did, I did a review. It wasn't a, it wasn't, Much of anything good for the restaurant for the experience from the service for the food not much good to say um, very very like short little two sentence good and then three paragraphs worth of bad, but um, Yeah, so I did I went there did the review it got like five six hundred, uh reshares It blew up and I remember one of the craziest things was this guy kept I'm just commenting, you know, and just like trying to get me to say like, you know, trying to egg me on to say some things I'm just like, and I don't like, I don't ever personally, usually, I usually don't reply whatsoever, because once I've done a review, I move on, you know, like, you know, you can say whatever you want, but this guy took it after like harassing me for like 48 hours, he took it upon himself to go to a restaurant And to prove me wrong, the only things he, you know, he didn't get that part right because he ordered nothing that I ordered, he didn't get the same server, you know, and, and he was like, Oh, it's the best in the world.

I told you. And I'm like, Huh? You didn't even order anything that I got. So how are you proving

Tigs: me wrong? It's not apples for apples here, bro. Wow. No,

Caleb Bryan: no, but, but he was very. It got bad. It got bad enough to where people were messaging me and commenting and saying, like, this is really scary. The stuff he's saying, like, he just continues on and on.

And I was just like, just ignore him, you know, and I just, I just ignore it, you know, um, Today, I do a bad review. Tomorrow, I'll do a good review. I mean, you just gotta move on. You know, you can't harbor

Tigs: on the past. That's right. Mr. Ronnie Stelly says that you, uh, that you're honest. I think that, that, that is, that's sometimes, sometimes that gets

Blasi: you in trouble, right?

Just being honest. I think

Tigs: it's important. To be honest with you, very important, right? A man's word is his strongest bond, dude. I mean, that's it. You know, if you can't take a man at his word or a woman or at their word, then I mean, what else, what else is there? You know what I mean? 100%. So, yeah, I mean, I think I love and totally respect that.

That's what you're doing. You're going to these places in the good places. Aren't going to be scared to have you come there. You know, I

Caleb Bryan: mean, they're not, they're like calling my cell and they're like, Hey. Hey, when are you coming? And I'm like, I'm on the way.

Tigs: Exactly. What time do I need to be there? And what, what are we eating today?

What do we got?

Caleb Bryan: Absolutely. And I'm always stoked by the way. I just want to say like the support, you know, has just been, especially in last year, I'd say laugh yet, laugh yet. Just. They're like this, like, come on in, you know, and like just treating very, very, very, very much. Right. And every way and. Uh, it's just been incredible with them and I've gone to other places.

I've gone to New Orleans, done a few things, but, um, uh, I love you too, buddy, man, such a good guy, man. I'm telling you, go, go try his burgers.

Tigs: What, uh, what's Mr. Ronnie do? He's got burger place or what? Yeah,

Caleb Bryan: Collins,

Blasi: uh, yeah, he's back

Tigs: in here. He's hanging. Mr. Ronnie, I'm coming. I am coming. I am coming to have that burger, my friend.

I promise you, I can't wait. I

Blasi: went to Lafayette once and I went over there. Dude, it's just, I feel like there's good food about every direction. I mean, I, A couple places are probably bigger on the, you know, cause at the time I didn't have all this, this has been years and years ago, but I ate it. Well,

Tigs: man, it's so

Blasi: crazy place in the French press breakfast place.

I remember a couple of those, but like, I didn't really get out and get into the, you know what I mean? Like. But yeah, deep dive there. I didn't have a lot of direction. So I was over there for a football game, but dude, it's just, Oh,

Tigs: dude,

Caleb Bryan: laugh yet. If you're looking for any food, they have places like they have a place for you.

And I mean, it's, and I, and seriously, look, that's my boy Gavin right there. We've done some critiques together. We've, we've done some great adventures. Uh, we, we went to new Orleans, had an incredible, like food. I think it was like six places within an hour, uh, you know, but, um, and we've done a laugh yet. I brought him to I don't know how to say him, but it's a, a, a Neapolitan Italian pizza food truck.

And, you know, uh, got to introduce to him, like what real, you know, Italian or Neapolitan pizza really is. You know, he's. Oh, actually he's a, he said, uh, Catlin's eatery as well. Okay. Yeah. That was the first time I tried it. It wasn't a film.

Tigs: I can't wait to go to this place though. Tim, Tim, Bryan says it's my dad.

I was, I was, I was connecting the dots. I was thinking, awesome. Well, thanks for watching Mr. Tim. We're proud of your son too. He's awesome. It's fun. I love talking about all of this stuff, man. You love me until I give you a

Caleb Bryan: bad review.

Tigs: I got a feeling that you've given him more than one bad review and he's given you several as well.

There's no doubt in my mind.

Blasi: My

Tigs: boy, my cousin, Jeffrey Jones, is telling the truth. I thought that was Jerry Jones. I wish that was, I mean, Jeffrey and Jerry, they're kind of one in the same and in a lot of senses, you know, from

Blasi: time to time,

Tigs: appreciate him, uh, appreciate him chiming in, man, dude. So what's next?

We're all, I mean, where you've, you've kind of been hanging out in the Morgan city, kind of Lafayette. Are you going to start to branch out, go to some haunts up in North or anywhere? What's, what's,

Blasi: what's so,

Caleb Bryan: so this week is a break. This is my first break since I don't know, January 1st, probably, or something like that.

Um, so, cause usually I'm doing three, four or five a day, most of the time. And, uh, so this week is a complete break so far that might change tomorrow. We'll see. Um, but next week. I'll be in Scott, Louisiana. I'm partnering with someone who's a really, really big on Tik TOK. Uh, she and I are going to go hit up a restaurant.

Um, um, it was, uh, uncle T's.

Tigs: Okay. So

Caleb Bryan: it's the oyster bar. It's very, very well known. Um, huge, like hugely favorite place. And, uh, We're going to go try them and I'm going to try a couple of other places and Scott as well from the hour two hours. And, um, so next week will be Scott and then I'm back in last yet because I have to, I have to, I have to, I'm not going to say finish.

I have to do more, you know, in a

Tigs: lot of years.

Blasi: There's a lot to do there. There's a

Tigs: lot to do. Yeah. It says uncle T's char grilled oysters is just fire. So yeah, I'm going to have

Caleb Bryan: char grilled oysters for the first time. I mean, I'm excited, man. I, I might even shuck a, uh, shuck an oyster and I don't know, eat it raw, whatever, whatever you do

Tigs: it, you've never had a, you've never had a char grilled oyster?

Caleb Bryan: No, my uncle next door to me, shucked oysters his whole life. And in front of the yard, And I never, he would just be like, and I'm like,

Tigs: yeah, no, I'm good. Uh, yeah, they're so good. Especially now I've eaten

Blasi: at least a thousand that way. I mean, on a minimum, maybe 2000

Tigs: when, when I lived in Florida, and Blasey was my neighbor.

Uh, when I, I live not far from Destin Hammock Bay. Yeah, that's how he and I met. Yeah. And, uh, we, we would in the, in the sun, it was in the summer. What never was, whenever it was, we would get Apalachicola oysters. And at the time, usually in the fall,

Blasi: like fall,

Tigs: they would just get a box for like, what, 30 bucks or something.

I'm talking about a box, a big box. We'd just get after it. We're just we're

Blasi: just raw like grill. You can think of them like we're just it's just 2 day. I'd wake up in the morning like you know, lord protect me. you know, god forgive me. I was eating oysters for breakfast. You know what I mean? Like it was just time to go.

That's incredible man like 2 days

Tigs: straight like uh yeah.

Blasi: Middle of the night. That's the oysters. Let's go. Yeah.

Tigs: So what is this? What are they talking about? That's the Italian pizza. How do you pronounce it? Um,

Caleb Bryan: it's Italian. So, So, it's a reaches. Something. But it's a wonderful place. Um, they're actually Yes.

That's where you get Neapolitan. Uh, they're closing their truck, but they have some huge news coming out very shortly about something that's happening or the reason why they're closing and, uh, can't tell you guys, cause I promise I'd keep my mouth shut. Um,

Tigs: it'll be dropping soon. I can't wait to see it.

But whenever, when we hit in record, you have to tell us, no, I'm playing. Yeah. Yeah. We don't. Yeah, dude. Yeah, that'll be, uh, Charles Sharma says that you need to hit up Cajun claws off the doosan. So,

Caleb Bryan: so, uh, you guys asked about like things are upcoming. I do want to say, uh, I forgot totally, but this is definitely important.

Very, very exciting. Uh, so next weekend I'm going to be a part of the two step Cajun, uh, crawfish festival going on in Kentwood, Louisiana, um, which I'm super excited about. about a stale crackers going to be there. He's going to be like, I think running it as well as being involved with a few different things.

Um, lots and lots of stuff going on there. I mean you can pay like 35 for all you can eat crawfish or morning to night. Basically. Uh, it's, it's such a great opportunity and, uh, I'll be, uh, let's just say I'll be judging a bit of the food there. I'll definitely be critiquing a lot.

Tigs: Excellent. Yeah. Getting a lot of good content from that too.

Absolutely. It's going to be crazy. Yeah, it is. I'm looking forward to just seeing what drips from that, man. It's going to, it's going to be

Caleb Bryan: incredible. Which is that, that's going to be great. And then I think the week, week after, uh, the Saturday after I'm going to be involved with the B Y O B, which is a bring your own burger, uh, cookoff.

Okay. And that's going to be in, I think, Scott, Louisiana. And Mr. Charles, uh, Swarma is, I believe, the organizer and, uh, I'll be a, uh, a judge for that, which I'm super excited about because I love burgers. Like, I'm the guy to critique a burger. I can go hard as can be as far as describing every little thing for a burger.

No hesitation. Um, so I'm very excited about that.

Tigs: You and I have been talking a little bit throughout the day leading up to this. And we kind of, we were talking about that. We were going to do something together. I think we figured out what that is. That is going to be, we're going to some place and we're having us some burgers.

Yeah, 100%.

Caleb Bryan: 100%, man. I love a good burger. It's kind of hard to find in today's world because, uh, They advertise homemade and you get it and you're like, this ain't homemade. Oh no. It's from Sam's club.

Tigs: No. What's your favorite kind of burger? What is your, what's your favorite burger? Your favorite style? Like, like with, you know, with Portnoy, he likes it.

No flop, a little crisp, but you know, all that, like what's your perfect burger?

Caleb Bryan: My perfect burger is definitely a double cheese burger with double cheese, um, uh, add bacon, lettuce, pickles, and onions. That way nothing taints the burger's flavor. There's no mayo, mustard, or ketchup on there to where, like, I can't taste what, you know, so and so gave to me because it's just covered with sauce.

Now, I like a good barbecue, uh, sauce burger. I like a good little saucy burger. Um, but Yeah, I'm, I don't like thin patties. I don't mind eating it, but I prefer thick monsters. I want at least 10 ounces of meat on a burger. I'll take up to two pounds.

Tigs: Well, I'll tell you what, you need to go see my friend Shannon at Shannon's Butcher Block in Manny, Louisiana.

Which is, you know, about two and a half, three hours from you for, seriously. Check out one of our shows that we did. We did a show with him and I'm a huge like you are with with burgers, burgers. I just love burgers. I really can't. It's hard for me to give one a good one. A bad score. But brisket seems to kind of be the thing that I've locked into and I just like very particular.

I know what I'm looking for. I know what I like and he has that, but he also makes burgers out of he, with the brisket trimmings and stuff that he has, he makes, yes, he makes, yes, sir. And he, uh, he makes smash burgers. Well, lately he's had one and it's now called the tie burger, I believe is what it's called this young man.

Ty Anthony ate this burger and it's, if you eat it. It's named after you and you get to have that burger and it's free but if you don't eat it You don't make it that burger is four and a half pounds. Wow, you know, man Do you think you can eat this burger? I mean you you were

Caleb Bryan: really hyping it up and then you just dropped that bomb on me um Four

Blasi: pounds,

Tigs: man.

And I can probably do three, four pounds, four and a half. And you have to do it in under 15

Caleb Bryan: minutes. No, no, no. I mean, you know, I can, I can do two and a half or three sitting down and standing up. It's going to take me about. 10 minutes just to recoup myself after and then get hungry again, but I mean, I'll just buy the burger and eat it like we just enjoy

Tigs: it just for the, yes, for the, just for the, the sake of the, the, the content.

Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't try it. I would not have tried it. Uh, if we can like, no dude, I want your brisket and turkey, ribs. Well, I'm going back next week. I'm going up there for spring break. So I'll probably, I will. I'm coming up there, brother. So, uh, I'm not trying the four and a half next week. How about

Caleb Bryan: say if you don't try it, then.

You're not cool or something, you

Tigs: know? That is crazy. Well,

Blasi: half pounds of meat, dude.

Tigs: That's a lot of meat, brother. That's a lot of meat, dude. I mean, I can, a lot of meat. I could

Blasi: see that right now. You know what I mean? I know what, I know what? Four and a half pounds. Meat. Meat looks like. It makes me feel sick thinking.

Tigs: Hey, Charles says that I better. He says, Tiggs, you better bring your appetite. Dang right. Well, I, that ain't a problem. I'm not going to eat. I'm not going to eat a four and a half pound burger though. Okay. Just want to, I mean, I don't need that. We don't need that. We don't need gimmicks. Gimmicks. Yeah, we do need gimmicks.

How dare you insult. No, no, and it's not a gimmick chan and i'm not insulting you at all No, no, it's fun It's a fun thing. Yeah, it is. I used to do food challenges Yes, and caleb

Blasi: are you ever gonna get outside of louisiana? Like you're gonna stretch this thing out a little bit like so I do

Caleb Bryan: A lot of people say I just do south louisiana But I uh, I go to new york every two months and uh, I write You I write reviews.

Yeah for new york city

Blasi: and you got And in new york, that's your two food places. That's kind of crazy. That's very well

Tigs: Well, the good news

Caleb Bryan: is i'm venturing off to orlando in april um in the end of april, so i'm gonna I mean, it's florida. So we're gonna see like, you know, i've eaten some great food in florida.

I've eaten Uh, wow

Tigs: Yeah It's true dude, it is true

Caleb Bryan: Yeah. So we'll see. We'll see what happens. You know,

Blasi: that's cool, man. Hey, if you ever get to, I'll, I'll, I'll give a plug for a place in Birmingham, but you're like your burgers with no lettuce, no tomato. Like, let's give me, give me the burger action. And then there's this place called Jack Brown's and it's in Birmingham.

And dude, that's their deal. Like out there. Burgers are, it's a Jack Brown's beer and burger joint. Dude, it is. Oh, that's a good one. It is so good. There's so many different options and like, but you're not getting lettuce. You ain't getting tomato. You know what I mean? Just go ahead and forget that. There's no rabbit food there.

So yeah, you would love to get over to Birmingham. There's a, there's a good barbecue place there too. So yeah, there's, there's some options, but anyway, we can keep going down the rabbit hole with burgers forever. Oh yeah. LA burger and mobile, which is, Oh

Tigs: yeah, dude. Connect us all. That's on my list. Oh good.

Yeah. You're on my list. You gotta go. You will enjoy that place. I've

Caleb Bryan: been going to mobile for work for a little bit. So it is on my list.

Tigs: Uh, yeah. Yeah. So that's something that we didn't ask. What do you do? Do you have another job outside of

Blasi: this? What do you do to pay the bills?

Caleb Bryan: Those would definitely be, uh, my, my, my driver for, uh, a company, everything's good.

Okay. Um, I'm a contract driver for a company, uh, where I pick up people from Fushon, you know, which is where like offshore people come in from their boats. And I bring them back to their homes, uh, you know, Houston to, uh, mobile, uh, lately and, uh, wherever they need to go to the airport, things like that.

That's what I do for a living. Um, and, uh, that's how I pay my bills. That's how I afford doing what I'm doing

Tigs: now. That's right. That's cool. Yeah,

Blasi: that is cool. That puts you on the road. That puts you in front of a lot of good restaurants. Yeah,

Caleb Bryan: absolutely. And like you said earlier, when you see best of something, that's exactly what I do.

Every, even if it's not on my list, I don't care. Like you say, the home of the best country fried steak. Prove it.

Tigs: Prove it, you sucker. Let's go. I'm like, hey,

Caleb Bryan: do you know who I am? I'm here to come destroy you.

Tigs: Exactly. No. No, you're not going to destroy anybody, man. No. I appreciate you. I live in Baton Rouge, man.

I live in Baton Rouge. Oh, nice. Lacey lives in Florida, uh, near, not, not too far from Destin. So,

Blasi: uh, here in the panhandle, they found the quarterback, uh, smelly. I don't know if you saw that today. Uh, what's the same that used to play for South Carolina? Uh, something smelly and that sounds crazy, but you don't remember that guy just starting quarterback for South Carolina.

Is it Chris Jason? I can't remember. Anyway, dude, Grayton beach is where I fish most of the time. He went off great Mitchell and kind of was missing. Oh, I hadn't heard

Tigs: about this yet. That's great. Cause these stories very rarely do they turn out good. So

Caleb Bryan: that's scary,

Blasi: man. Wow. I don't know. So I was like, Oh man, I hate to hear that.

The quarterbacks have not. Fair play

Tigs: around here. No joke. Yeah, that's great. Mr.

Blasi: Charles. Anyway, I just saw that

Tigs: come across. He said that he thought I said Manny, Louisiana. That's true. Shannon's Butcher Block is in Manny, Louisiana. So y'all go check them out. And then, uh, Mr. Charles has a fairly strong opinion here that I, I agree with.

That, uh, there is a Well, I don't totally agree. There is good food outside of Louisiana. It's the best is in Louisiana for sure. It's tough to find outside of Louisiana. Minus Texas and if you love barbecue then Texas is the place to be. We have certainly covered that in some of our shows in the past. So you covered a lot of Texas spots.

That's right. You guys that are following us now go and check some of those old shows out. We've had uh, J. D. Marsh who is with Breggy Bomb. Oh yeah. Barbecue. We've had him on. We talk a lot about barbecue. Yes we do. Stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah, man. Yeah. So, Blasey, I know we're, we're pushing in on a, on an hour here, which is kind of like where we like to come in.

I know that this is kind of the segment that blah, blah, blah. This is where the fill in music spot will be coming here soon, but this is time. Blasey, please introduce. Yes. What is about to go down?

Blasi: Welcome to Little Bits of Controversy, Caleb. I'm glad you came in here today because sometimes we like to get off into a few things, kind of put you up against the ropes here, make a decision, you know, yes, no, you know, you know, I'm in or I'm out.

Um, so, you know, without further

Tigs: ado. Here we go in chat. Y'all feel free to chime in on this

Blasi: and maybe we can add. Hey, we'll add something in here. So we're just trying to figure out some different things. Now, the first one I may throw you off. You may be like, I've never even had it. I don't care, but we're going to find out.

So gizzards. Yes or no? Yeah. Are you a gizzard guy?

Tigs: I'm going to take that.

Caleb Bryan: No, because I've never had it. There we

Tigs: go. There

Blasi: we go. That's fine. That's fair enough. I was, it was either your, so here's what I find. Like, I'm a huge gizzard guy. Like, and I see, I'm even thinking about coming up with a gizzard app.

Like, did you go to one gizzard place? Yeah, dude, a gizzard finder app. Like, cause you go to one gizzard place and it could be a disaster. You go to another gizzard place. You know what I mean? It's like, Oh, it is on point. They know how they're handling them and how they're cutting them up. They're frying them properly.

They're great. I'm just either you're in or you're out. Some people have a nasty gizzard and they who never want to touch them again. But come on, good gizzards, man. Like gizzards are great. Gizzards are phenomenal. I seek good gizzards. So anyway, so if you've never had them, you have to find, I'll send you when you're in an area, I'll send you because I know where the good gizzards are.

Especially if you get within about a hundred miles of this area, I know all the good, good spot. So, I'll send that and you can go rape some

Tigs: gizzards. Sweet. So, Gavin is all in on, on gizzards and rice dressing. So,

Caleb Bryan: Oh, yeah. I'm about to go try it. He probably knows because he's, he's, uh, he lives where I do. So, he probably knows where gizzards are.

I don't know where kitchens are. So he would have to introduce you whenever

Tigs: he comes back. They are. Yeah. I mean, you make a good point, Blasey. They're not as easy to find anymore. Like K K KFC, you stab gizzards. And yeah, like Piper, all those places. Yeah. They used to, I mean, this was probably before you were born, but yeah, they used to, now

Blasi: it's, you know, you, you mostly have to seek them out in gas stations.

It's kind of like the Buddha and stuff. You know what I mean? Like it's got a good gas station. Good. Good gas stations that can cook good there. It's kind of where you typically find them. It's a place in Dothan. It's a staple restaurant over there that actually, they do a great job. Blue Plate in Dothan, I would say.

That's probably the best gizzard you'll find if you're ever in Dothan, Alabama. Even though Dothan city itself is like french fries with no salt. Those gizzards at the Blue Plate, they're absolutely phenomenal. So anyway, Yeah, so yeah, let's put you on some alright. So crawfish dusted or not. Oh, not,

Caleb Bryan: not, not, I mean, uh, I always just I'm very offensive.

I guess when I say it, but I say if you dust your crawfish, it means you don't know how to season your crawfish. Amen. You know, Yeah. Yeah. Amen.

Blasi: Though, around the horn. Around the horn. I, I agree with you. And you know what, at the end of the day though, if somebody wants to do it, they do it. That's their deal.

That's fine. I just don't do it because I just won't touch

Tigs: them. Yeah. I mean, look, I wear contacts sometimes. I'm not wearing glasses. I'm not gonna Those crawfish your hands. Yeah, it's too, it's too much. That's a lot going on. It's too much. It's too much. Your lips, they swell up. You look like you had freaking bow ties.

I mean, I'm out. I constantly

Caleb Bryan: have cuts on my hand guys. So no,

Tigs: that's a good one. That's a good one. I'm glad we're all three in agreeance here. Yeah. Yeah. That would have been really awkward. He had really, really, really

Blasi: part of it. Big dust guy. I actually just started a new line of dusting products. , tig,

Tigs: we have a whole tig dust. It's like fairy dust. Better got tig dust.

It's great

Caleb Bryan: meeting y'all guys. Take care.

Blasi: Alright, pizza. You, you fold your pizza, like you get a slice of pizza, you fold it or no fold. Yeah, like some good Look. I fold, fold.

Caleb Bryan: I, I, I fold every time. I fold every time. And, uh, yeah, that's very important to me.

Blasi: It's you know, what you're getting, you're getting crust, crust, you're coming in with crust, crust with the middle pizza.

Caleb Bryan: Oh yeah. I get it. It just, it brings life to even the worst pizza. It

Blasi: does. I actually agree with you. Like I can eat it either way, but like, I understand the folding process and I've done it. I used to spend a lot of time. It's funny that Dave talks about, uh, New Haven. I used to go to New Haven like two or three times a year for work.

Tigs: Oh, wow. Oh, my God. So you've been to some of those spots? Absolutely,

Blasi: I have. It is like a pizza haven. How have we

Tigs: not talked about this? I don't know. That's crazy,

Blasi: man. My favorite place there in New Haven, and I would get there a day early just for this place, and it wasn't a pizza place, it was uh, It was a place called Geronimo's and it's a tequila bar and they had over 700 different types of tequila.

And on Sunday, it was always two for one. So I would get there on a Sunday, make sure I was there early enough and just go enjoy myself thoroughly at Geronimo's. And then I would go, don't get me wrong. That would choose up and down the street, which one of these pizza establishments I was going to go eat some good pizza at.

And that's how I crashed at the room. That was kind of what I did each day. So anyway, you know, the first burger. It's still open that place that they invented the hamburger they claim there and New Haven is there and it was basically yeah Yeah, I was

Caleb Bryan: watching video of them Oh,

Tigs: man. And it's only open

Blasi: during the day.

You gotta get there during lunch to get it. Like, it's not open in the evening, but yeah.

Caleb Bryan: Yep. That's incredible, man. One day I'm, one day I will go vacation, uh, vacation for a week just to do all the pizza spots. Just do all these different spots, man. I

Tigs: gotta go try that stuff. I mean, it looks, just watching Portnoy and all that, it just looks so good.


Caleb Bryan: mean, I've never had new, new Haven, like, you know, you know, but, um, I lied. I I've had new Haven, but it's like, you know, not in the prime location where people talk about to get it from, you know, so it's not. You know, I don't know, I can't compare it to the real stuff, you know?

Blasi: Yeah. Now they, they know what they're doing there.

Um, let's see. All right. So I understand you're like a pellet guy, right? You like to grill a little bit. Yeah. Um, so talking about barbecue that we never did get into that, uh, Traeger, you're a Traeger guy. Is

Tigs: that right?

Caleb Bryan: Um, so I,

Tigs: I bought a Rec tech.

Blasi: Rec tech, that's what I meant. Yeah, sorry. Re rec tech.

Tigs: Yeah.

Yep. No, don't try to. So they, they're both the same. Lacey, you know, that's trigger words for me. No, it is, it's alright man. Rec tech

Blasi: trigger my, my ne my neighbor had the rec tech and that's what I was thinking, but I got lost there for a minute 'cause my other That's okay. Is, is on the trager. So, uh, do you wrap, are you for or against like wrapping a butt or wrapping?

Uh, meat at some point,

Caleb Bryan: uh, you know, uh, I've done it both ways. I've done like ribs with, uh, I've wrapped ribs and I've, uh, did six hours. No wrap just spritz every, uh, hour, hour and a half. And, um, I prefer to wrap, I just prefer to wrap, especially when you put, put your butter, you put your, uh, you know, brown sugar or.

You know, the apple cider vinegar and it's just everything just, you know, consumes. Yeah. Honey's that honey drizzle. Oh my goodness, man. Just something about it just being wrapped up and being basically like steamed inside into the meat, like penetrating the entire, oh, it's just so good, man. So good.

Tigs: Totally the same. I'm the same way. I do it both ways. What, what kind of rec tech, what do you work? What do you have? What rec tech model do you

Caleb Bryan: right now? I have a five 90, but I'm actually upgrading to the 1300 XL. Uh, yeah, because I smoke a lot. I smoke a lot for my neighbors. I smoke a lot for people who, who, you know, just want good barbecue, good smoked meat.

Um, so I been smoking, I've been running out of room sometimes and smoking. So I'm like, it's time to just get something that's Over twice as large. Yes,

Tigs: I'm jealous, dude. I have the eight, well, it's the 800, it was the 780 whenever I got it. It's the 800. And I love it, dude. You know, I mean, it's the perfect size.

When I first got it, my wife was like, You don't need a grill that big. And I'm like, I guarantee you I will. And I'm the same way. Have you met me? I can definitely step up to the, I can step up to that 1300. I promise you. I'm a little jealous. Well, there's the second video that we are going to be making where we'll be messing around with that rec tech, baby cooking something.


Caleb Bryan: 100%. We can definitely have a cook off too. I mean, seriously. Yeah.

Tigs: We're going

Caleb Bryan: to start my own cook off in Morgan city, Louisiana, man. Rectex

Tigs: only. Rectex only brisket. I like it so good, man. What else you got, Blasey? I know you've got some more

Blasi: man. Uh, let's see. All right. I got two more for you. Curious.

Have you ever had Rocky mountain oysters?

Caleb Bryan: No, I've never had oysters except for fried oysters twice in my life.

Tigs: We discovered that,

Blasi: you know, these are the balls of a bull, but like, uh, and I did eat them out and I was in Boulder. Colorado one time. I got, it's just funny. I was going through this if we were looking at different things on the gizzard.

Got me thinking about those Rocky Mountain oysters. But like I had, I went to a place, it was called the Dark Horse Saloon in Boulder and that's what they were kind of known for. And I'll tell you the problem with it. They serve them really flat. Like, there's like a flat disc, right? And all I could think about was I pounding that ball out to get it flat.

Wow. . Wow. So I started off, I was like, man, this is kind of good. Like I was eating it. This, they got this, uh, like a, um, horseradish type sauce. But I got thinking, dude, just this, you know, getting your balls, pounding that out flat. And I found out I couldn't, I had to. Get off the stool and like leave. Anyway, just curious.

You ever had the Rocky mountain oysters, but I'm

Tigs: not, man. I've never had them, but I would try them. I'm not, I'm not opposed to I'm an adventurer. Yeah,

Blasi: I had to, right. This is a legendary place and it's kind of what they're known.

Tigs: You got to do it. Don't you? Yes. You have totally got to do it. All right. Chat.

Have any of you guys chimed in? If you were willing to admit that you have, I don't think they're going to admit it. Yes, exactly. I was in,

Blasi: um, let's all right. Final question for you. Um, so what do you think about bubble? The love sponge?

Caleb Bryan: Well, I kind of checked out the page today, but then I just didn't. But I was on it, but I was just kind of confused of what it was and I still don't know so What do I think about it?

confusing I'm gonna have to check it out in fully Be in a zone and fully check out the page because yeah, I don't really know what to think I don't even know what it's

Tigs: about Mentally prepare yourself now Just be prepared if you're going one direction with him You're like this son of a bitch and then you just To go right back over here and say this is the most lovable human being and maybe the greatest man on earth Come on now.

That's Bubba the Love Sponge. The most polarized figure, uh, in pig's bits. I mean,

Caleb Bryan: you do a good job at making it appetizing, you

Tigs: know. Yeah. He's the most

Blasi: polarized figure. In America, Bubba the Love Sponge, period.

Tigs: He really is. We're huge fans. And hey,

Blasi: he's only come up again, dude. He's only come up again. I love to see it.

Tigs: He's Before he goes too deep, and those that are new that are listening and tuning in right now, keep it on the brief level, but just kind of explain, give a quick synopsis of who Bubba the Love Sponge is.

Blasi: First of all, he's an American treasure. And I mean, here's the guy that worked with, with Howard Stern, like with him, Howard respects the heck out of him.

The Howard's got like two or three paintings. And it's funny. He's not even a painter, but he paid paints to Howard's got a painting hanging up above the love sponge in his house. Howard went to like one or two weddings. One of those was above the love sponge. So, but Bubba is a shock job. And he's in Tampa, but he's very self destructive.

I mean, he's destroyed his own career. Like, and he'll admit it multiple times over, but he continues to rebuild each time he screws it up. Then what's worse though, he makes his own mistakes. He has these enemies. Like you're talking about that guy coming after you, these major enemies that all they want to do is try to destroy him.

So he's been also destroyed for no fault of his own. Bye. But he also feels like, oh man, it's probably just, you know, everybody thinks it's just bubble being bubbles. Like, no, there's people coming after me, but anyway, he's a very entertaining guy. He's a shock jock. He's funny. He's cool. He's self destructive.

He's awesome. I mean, I can't, I cannot not listen to, I'll wake up in the morning at five. I start getting ready. I just put my TV on and just listen, you know what I mean? Because

Tigs: then I'm in,

Blasi: but yeah, he's, he's great. You can catch him, you know, on Florida man radio, you can download the app. You can catch him there.

You can go to the, um, um, what's part of the bubble radio network is a bubble. Uh, what is it?

Tigs: Like, uh, Oh my, we have us a guest. We have us a guest. Charles says that he wasn't, wasn't he on Walton and Johnson show. I guarantee you that dude's been on Walton and Johnson at some point.

Caleb Bryan: And sure. He sounds so familiar to me, man.

Tigs: Yeah. Yeah. Well, most

Blasi: people remember him from, uh, Check him out. He's the

Tigs: guy who, uh, he let Hulk Hogan have sex with his wife. And then there, there we go. I left that out. Let's just not beat around. That's ultimately what he's known for. We wanted you to find this out on your own. Yeah, you can go dig further.

Blasi: I wasn't trying to go to, you know, you're a problem, Brantley. You say that now you're going to turn so many people off because they go, what a loser.

Tigs: It's a lot deeper than that. It's way more complicated than that. That's

Blasi: crazy. Hulk was in a bad place and he was trying to help him out and it turned out to just destroy him because that video got out because somebody else stole it from his security footage at his house and they tried to peddle it and then they made it look like Bubba did it and it wasn't even Bubba that did it.

But Bubba lost his job. The dude that stole it got his morning radio show. And like Bubba got ran out of radio like there's there's a story anyway,

Tigs: you don't even get us started Yeah, I was just giving you the high version. You had to go off. We're going down the rabbit hole We're gonna dig ourselves out of this.

Tell us who has joined us. Who is this? Who's here? Who is this?

Caleb Bryan: This is, this is little Sophie. Oh,

Tigs: hi guys. You're the first. Yeah, this is Sophie. First canine guest that we have ever had.

Blasi: You're the first canine guest.

Tigs: She says, I'm not a

Caleb Bryan: canine. I'm a

Tigs: girl. You are a girl. I agree. That's, you're the first girl, lady, uh, of your stature to join TickTits and what an honor it is.


Blasi: What's funny, Caleb, when you brought her on, uh, I turned around, I was doing something behind me. This is before we went on the air and you were introduced. I thought like, cause I didn't know anything about you personally, like your daughter had walked up, you're talking and you're like, yeah, I found her, you know?

And like, yeah. It's a rescue and I was like, yeah, this is, I don't know what we're about to get into here. It turns around and I was like, oh, it's a dog. Thank God. I thought it was going to be a little girl.

Caleb Bryan: That's great. That's great,

Blasi: man.

Tigs: Ronnie. Dog away from Hogan. Oh, Oh my goodness.

Caleb Bryan: She's like, yeah.

Blasi: I

Tigs: don't think we could close a show any daggum stronger.

Caleb Bryan: That should be the title of this. Keep that dog away from Hogan. That's

Tigs: what they're

Blasi: thinking. It's gonna be the

Tigs: title of it.

Caleb Bryan: Lots clickbait right there. Keep that dog away from Hogan.

Tigs: Oh my god. Yeah, that is good. That is so good. So good. Well,

so much for joining us. It's been a fascinating conversation. I mean, it really has everything that you're doing and all the food trucks. I think we have laughed. Chat. Thank you guys for chiming in. If you haven't subscribed, yes, it's been insane. Appreciate y'all. If you haven't subscribed to Tigs bits, please do.

If you haven't subscribed to Decajun Critic, please go follow him on Facebook and on TikTok. Look, I mean, this is what it's all about is starting to kind of bring two crowds together and have a little fun. I've been flat out enjoyed it. It has been a blast visiting with all you guys all the suggestions of places Your boy Tiggs about an hour away from most places down here and I am coming So I don't want to have any hate speech or anything like that So if you're a food critic and you don't want me to come You know what?

Go ahead and send that. Or if you're a restaurant, you don't want me to come. Go ahead and send me right now. So I don't waste my damn time and your damn time. So send it on, man. But, but dude, thank you so much for coming. Thank you so much for coming on and spending a little time with us.

Caleb Bryan: So much for having me.

It was definitely a blast. And, uh, I definitely appreciate all the, uh, appreciate all the viewers and appreciate all the support, uh, for sure. And, uh, like I said, I think we'll definitely, uh, do something together. And I'm telling you, we can meet at, uh, even, even, uh, you know, Cotland's eatery, like,

Tigs: I think that's, go ahead.

That's the first meetup, man. I think that's a good place to start. I think it was a good, absolutely. Well, all right, boys, well, I want to say happy Easter once again to everybody. Y'all be safe this weekend. If you're, you're traveling, enjoy being with your family and friends and, and all of that good stuff.

Be safe out there. And, uh, and we're going to see you guys next week when we have Bassmaster elite pro, Mr. Robert G joining us. We've already recorded that the other night and it is a dandy. And I geek out a little bit, but anyhow, y'all tune into that next week and we'll see y'all.

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